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Jade Stem Cuttings

In early September, I took stem cuttings from a jade plant I had and put them on plates to scab over. Life got crazy and they are still sitting out, 2 months later. Is it too late to try and propagate them and if not, what is the best way to get them to root? I have never tried to propagate a jade plant. Thank you!

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

It depends usually jade only needs a few hours to dry and unlike cacti, they can actually be planted almost immediately since they don't have a lot of sap.

I don't know if the jade will root this far out, it depends if they have not dried out.

Jade is very easy to propagate by stem or even leaf cuttings. I usually just cut a branch of the jade plant. I may or may not dip the end in rooting hormone. and I stick it in a pot with well drained potting mix and put it in on my cutting bench which is in 50% shade until the roots have started to grow and the cutting does not give with a gentle tug. Then it can be hardened off to its final destination.

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Hello imafan26 and thank you for replying! Here's a pic, I apologize - I should have sent one with the post. If you think these are salvageable, do I use the rooting hormone right on the tip of the stem? (I never used rooting hormone!). Thank you!

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

You can try they don't look shriveled yet. This far out, the hormone won't work. Hormone works on fresh cuttings. Just plant the jade in your well drained media. I root everything in perlite but you can root it in cactus mix that way you won't have to transplant.

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Thank you again imafan26! Have a great weekend!

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