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Sick Kalanchoe :(

My kalanchoe is very sick, has been for a while, and I can't seem to match it with any diseases I find online. Does anyone know what it is or how to help it?
The leaves get a grey mold on them, then they turn yellow, dry out, and fall off. It clearly starts at the bottom, on the lowest leaves, and works its way up one by one. I've treated the entire plant twice with a spray but it doesn't seem to help! I really hope someone has an idea!


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The only thing that comes to me, is to spray with water and some soap, but I not sure this will help. This is usually a strong plant.
Maybe try cutting the healthy branch, if there is any and staring it new plant.
Hope someone would gave you a better answer.

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Thanks Asica for the reply! I'll see what I can do, hoping I can still save the plant as a whole, rather attached to it :(

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I'm seeing tiny white spots on the leaves which usually is indication of sucking insects or mites.

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I agree with Asica in that you should take a cutting from one of the healthy branches and starting a new plant because then if your poor Kalenchoe doesn't get better at least you will have saved a part of it

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I don't know where to write so I'll write here. Perhaps someone can help me? I watered my Kalanchoe a lot and now it has stopped growing. How can I save the plant?

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Are the roots alive? If they are and the plant does not yellow or shrivel, cut back on the watering. Plants do have resting periods. When they are resting they should not be fertilized and water should be cut back. Use a slow release fertilizer if the plant resumes growing. If the roots are dying and the top is not too stressed you can try to take a leaf or stem cutting as backup.

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imafan26 wrote:
Thu Feb 02, 2023 1:04 pm
Are the roots alive? If they are and the plant does not yellow or shrivel, cut back on the watering. Plants do have resting periods. When they are resting they should not be fertilized and water should be cut back. Use a slow release fertilizer if the plant resumes growing. If the roots are dying and the top is not too stressed you can try to take a leaf or stem cutting as backup.
THANK YOU! Yes, the roots are dark now, I'll do the backup with a stem. Probably it's the end for it... :(

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