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Re: 2022 What's the Weather Like Where You Are?

Just a few light sprinkles today, but it is humid. It is 77 degrees now at 4 p.m. A few more showers are expected from the remnants of T.C. Bonnie, and Darby this weekend, but it will affect mainly the Big Island. Thank you North Pacific High for being there.

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10am we got 1½ of rain.

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The South swells made the news. A big wave drenched a wedding party. And today a wave was big enough to go over a two story condo on the Big Island. No one was hurt.

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Last night storms 3am to 4am TV said, 70 mph wind 4" of rain. I watched lightning & thunder & listen to rain it was amazing. Today we have flash flood warning it takes about 6 hours for rain run off to fill streams & rivers.
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5 mph more and you would have hurricane force winds! Keep safe.

It is 74 degrees now but it will cool down a little more before dawn and the high will be 82. It seems hotter though. The trades are back, but the wind is warm as well so it seems like it is a lot hotter than it is. There is a light rain now, but it won't be enough to water the yard.

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We had 1" of rain at lunch time with very high wind that blew a limb out of the tree. 4 pm 2" of rain not much wind but plenty of lightning. Garden is flooded. All that rain that never came for 2 months is coming now.

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A front came through around 9:00 to 9:30 pm, and I got a heavy TS, but it was brief, and I only got .38".

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It was 104° yesterday afternoon.

Today, it's 102° with over 20 mph wind gusts (10% humidity). Fortunately, the sprinklers were running on the gardens this morning, before all this wind!

We can expect 100+ temperatures for the next 3 days. There aren't any good alternatives for this olde guy other than finishing outdoor work in the mornings and hiding out indoors with the AC thru the afternoons. Neglecting the garden plants would be the end of them.


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Well, I did get some rain, but only enough to add more humidity to the air! .04" total, and I was getting ready to go out, because I saw the leaves moving some...turns out, whatever blew the rain in was causing this! Now, it's 94% humidity, and everything is wet, so I wouldn't touch them, even if I did go out in this!

I have more to do inside...

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It definitely feels like summer. The temperature got up to 82 degrees but it feels like 85. The humidity is 59% but it feels more humid than that. At least the winds are turned on, but they are less than 10 mph so it is better than nothing. I have been running the fan for the last few afternoons and nights.

It still is better than the 100 + degree days some of you have had.

No rain expected for a few days.

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It is 66 degrees now with a high of 81 expected and a chance of rain this afternoon. Crazy weather, but I welcome the cooler temperatures no matter how long it lasts.

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Supposed to get to 98°, with horrible humidity today already. I got most of my outside stuff done yesterday, when it was at least low humidity, though it did get to 93°.

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It’s STILL hot 🥵

…this heatwave has been more like a heat high tide…. nutz:

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We have had rain forecast every day for several days but we are getting NO rain. Rain follows the same path every day same places in KY are getting 6" to 10" of rain every day and more rain today. Wow its hot & humid.
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We have had 6 days with afternoon temperatures above 100°. Three of those were 104-5.

The air here at home was full of smoke Thursday morning. It was a morning to work in the garden but by 8am, the wind had shifted so it was just a dusty time running the rototiller. Wind gusts increased to 35mph by afternoon. The next day was nice and quiet and a good time to run the sprinklers ... except, that probably "rescued" quite a few of the weeds in the paths that I'd beaten the heck outta the day before.

The local wildfire that was a source of the smoke was human caused, the state says. It's several thousand acres and not far away. There are well over 200 firefighters working on it but it is far from contained.

The border of California and Oregon is a real mess. I guess that smoke may be blowing into southern Idaho. Fires in British Columbia ...

We have had a brief cooling with temps in the 80's but cooling on into the lower 50's overnight. The other day, the temperature dropped 41° overnight. This is what is possible when humidity is only 10% at the end of a hot day and the elevation is a couple of thousand feet, clear skies :) . It makes life a little more bearable ... Afternoons above 100° again soon but the Weather Service is only predicting that for a couple of days. Hopefully, Mother Nature will keep the winds low and, maybe even, send us some rain, but that's just a hope.

Steve, with fingers crossed

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digitS' wrote:
Sat Aug 06, 2022 9:58 am
We have had 6 days with afternoon temperatures above 100°. Three of those were 104-5.

The air here at home was full of smoke Thursday morning. It was a morning to work in the garden but by 8am, the wind had shifted so it was just a dusty time running the rototiller. Wind gusts increased to 35mph by afternoon. The next day was nice and quiet and a good time to run the sprinklers ... except, that probably "rescued" quite a few of the weeds in the paths that I'd beaten the heck outta the day before.

The local wildfire that was a source of the smoke was human caused, the state says. It's several thousand acres and not far away. There are well over 200 firefighters working on it but it is far from contained.

The border of California and Oregon is a real mess. I guess that smoke may be blowing into southern Idaho. Fires in British Columbia ...

We have had a brief cooling with temps in the 80's but cooling on into the lower 50's overnight. The other day, the temperature dropped 41° overnight. This is what is possible when humidity is only 10% at the end of a hot day and the elevation is a couple of thousand feet, clear skies :) . It makes life a little more bearable ... Afternoons above 100° again soon but the Weather Service is only predicting that for a couple of days. Hopefully, Mother Nature will keep the winds low and, maybe even, send us some rain, but that's just a hope.

Steve, with fingers crossed
There was a man on TV he is some type of scientist that works for the forest service. HE said, it is natures way to burn away the old to make way for the new. Lightning starts a lot of wild fires that is natures way to burn everything dead material to make room for new trees & plants to grow. If people keep putting out fires there will be more fires & larger fires next year. Every year that fires are put out wild fires well be several times worse the following year. HE said, STOP putting out fires other wise fires will get out of control, you can't change mother nature.

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It is only getting up to 83 degrees. That is good for August, but the winds are 8 mph so it feels much hotter. I found 3/10 inch of water in the rain gauge. It averages to less than 1/10 inch of rain per day. It is cloudy and muggy, and there is supposed to be some rain somewhere, I may get a few sprinkles, but it won't be enough to water the yard. My rain barrels are full and overflowing, so I can tap them for a few buckets of water. In truth, if I used the rain barrels to water my yard. I can water my front yard once. It is one of those things where it overflows with water when you don't need it, but it does not go far when there is no rain in sight.

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Something like 80% of fires are human caused. Humans are a part of nature but sheesh!

The argument reminds me of scientific evidence that was refuted by the tobacco industry about the dangers of smoking tobacco, 50 - 60 years ago.

Lumber becomes building material or it can be destroyed. Harvesting trees can be followed by clean-up or that process can be ignored and the logging companies can avoid the expense. Range land can and is cleared by controlled burns.

Litter, neglect of highways and public spaces, etc. seriously adds to fire danger. Burn scars lead to damaging floods. Communities, homes and other resources are destroyed and air pollution is absolutely terrible during some seasons.


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I see both sides. It is true that natural fires are what is needed for renewal. Some seeds don't germinate without fire. At the same time a man made fire is in no way natural.

It is still mainly the fault of humans for polluting the world to the point where we have severely damaged the world we live in. It is humans encroaching on the wilderness. Building homes close to naturalized areas and blaming the wildlife for causing problems. It is humans who build roads into ever more remote areas crowding out the denizens that have lived there more or less in harmony with their environment for generations. It is humans who destroy forests for their own gain and sometimes for no reason at all.

After Chernobyl, everyone thought it would be a wasteland for thousands of years. But nature found a way to reclaim it after the humans left. ... n-wildlife

Then the Russians invaded Ukraine and occupied Chernobyl. But, they left shortly after because while it is a safe haven for wildlife, it is not for most people.

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Every year about Aug 15 there is a noticeable change in our weather that shows fall weather is coming. Our Saturday morning forecast is, temperature in the 50s.

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It rained here all day. TV said we had 5" of rain. Yesterday I repaired water leaks in screen porch roof no leaks today. TV said, road are flooded & wash out. Too much water for culverts & bridges some over flowed & some washed away. Nashville got more rain than us. Knoxville had more rain then Nashville. We stayed home we have not seen any flooding. Garden had a lot of water but now its gone down.

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It is still hot and dry at 83 degrees. It feels hotter. At least the trades are still turned on.
The wind will die down in the next few days which will make it feel hotter. No rain expected for the next few days.

Well Gary, the rain finally came. At least your garden will get a small break from the heat.

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We are in an official drought advisory, it has been so short on rain here for the last several months. That, along with the heat waves has dried things out considerably. It was up to 93° today, and even at 10:30 pm is is still at 87°, and high humidity. One more day in the 90s, then going down...supposedly.

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It does not get that hot here because of the marine influence and humidity. It feels hotter and muggier but the temperatures have rarely been above 85 degrees where I am. The highs have been about 83. The night temperatures have been rising. Sometimes it will go down to 69, but the nights have been 71-73. For August, is still isn't bad but the hottest months are still to come. We are on a fire alert because of the dry conditions. We have only gotten about 45% of our annual rainfall. Most of that came in January and February. So, a lot of vegetation is drier than normal. We don't get too many spontaneous fires. Most of the fires are because of human carelessness.

People have been complaining about their fruit trees not producing this year and more weeds in their lawn. All of this is most likely caused by the heat and drought stress on the plants.

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One of those rains finally hit here this morning. 1.48", while the heaviest we've had in a long time, hasn't come close to the deficit. Still very humid at 11 am, but it's supposed to get better.

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61° this morning has never felt so good after 2 months of being so hot.

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Wanna see what a small eggplant looks like after being hit by a larger-than-quarter-size hailstone?
eggplant.jpg (46.56 KiB) Viewed 600 times
yes, it looks like I hit it with one of those rocks that make up about half of what I call my "garden soil"

I say larger-than-quarter-size because the Weather Service was warning some communities about "half dollar" size hail! I have never seen hail even quarter size and didn't see this either, in the distant garden. It is some miles away from home where we had no hail.

The pock marks in a nearby puddle showed that the hailstones fell about 1 per square foot. Thank Heavens that it wasn't heavier than that! As it is, the squash and pumpkin patch looked like it had been trampled by a bunch of kids playing soccer. However, where the fruit of those vines were hit, the result looks like it will just be a scar. The wind must not have been too bad altho the tomato plants were in a tangle. Luckily, I suppose, they are about 2 weeks behind in developing much ripe fruit because of a very cool Spring and All the High Heat we have had this Summer!

About 30 years ago there was quite a hail storm. One of the fruit trees developed scar tissue on the top of each of its more-horizontal branches. Those scars could be seen for about the next 10 years. This recent storm shredded leaves from trees about a half mile from the garden.

We will have a "more comfortable" weekend with afternoon temperatures in the 80's F (high 20's C) and it looks like the thunderstorms may be past. It also looks like the temps will be just about 100°f (high 30's C) by mid-week so we aren't out of those hot temps just yet.


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We don’t often get hail around here KOW — very short freak passing weather of maybe 1/4”~1/2” pebble sized balls bouncing and rolling down the roof. But I’ve seen gardeners using bird netting tightly strung over backyard gardens where they are hail-prone….

Currently 59°F before dawn — this is going to bring pace of maturing garden fruits to screeching halt, except maybe tomatoes will happily set fruit — for fall harvesting?

Normally approx. 45 days, so we would need about 50~55 days before frost in cooler fall temps and shortening days for them to mature… so call it early October to mid-October. Hmm.

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It rained two nights ago. A nice slow rain. It was really what was needed. My training bonsai bougainvillea was losing leaves and had dead branches. After the rain, new leaves have flushed. The weeds of course always come up after it rains. I did not have to water heavily this morning since a lot of the plants still had a lot of moisture. The alyssum looks better, but the lavender has seen better days. The bottom is black. Not a good sign, I may have to replace it soon.

The nasturtiums seedlings are still going strong. The rudbeckia is all but dead, so I pulled it out. The ferns and bromeliads on the side of the house got a lot of water off the roof from the rain. Several of the painted fingernail bromelliads are blooming. I did fertilize them recently so the rain and fertilizer helped.

I read somewhere that Aug 23 is traditionally the hottest day of the year. I hope so, I am more than ready for a cooling trend. I am using a fan every evening and night. It is 78 degrees now and it should go down to about 69 tonight. Tomorrow will be a little hotter atbout 84-85 high. The winds are light 3 mph, so it feels hotter. There is more rain coming on Friday. I'll see how much I get. BTW, my rain barrels are full.

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Our forecast is 90° and no rain for 6 days.

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It is 70 degrees now but feels a little cooler. It is supposed to rain in the afternoon. The wind is only 3mph, so convection rain is possible. Humidity is up to 84% so it will feel warmer then. Right now the skies are clear.

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Disgustingly hot and humid, back into the 90s, with one station having 7 days in a row in the 90s, while the other has a one day break of 89°! lol My peppers and okra are happy! Still, little rain in the forecast.

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90° & no rain in forecast but we are getting unreal bad 1 pm storms every day. Yesterday storm scared wife she hid in bath tub with pillows & blankets. Wow it rained hard and wind blew hard. Amazing no trees blown down & no tree limbs blown down. Garden continues to be mud. Sun shade cover over carrot bed blew across the yard.
Last edited by Gary350 on Sat Aug 27, 2022 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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It is 78 degrees and expected to reach a high of 83. The trades are back to 8 mph so it is keeping things cooler. There are a few clouds but no rain is expected. Humidity is 61% so it is relatively dry. There is a fire alert. There have been a few brush fires in the last few weeks. Most have been small and could be contained.

This is a good beach day. But, I will water the yard instead.

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It was 90° at 3:30 pm, and 95° "feels like" temp, so it's disgusting out there again. Yesterday it rained very briefly, just enough to make it more humid. Doesn't look like that will happen today, but that wasn't forecast yesterday either!

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It was up to 93° yesterday - the 7th day of this heatwave - and the dewpoint was in the 70s. It was absolutely disgusting out there again. There was a storm front forecast for the area, so I went out and did some things I had to do - I was only out there about 45 minutes, but it looked like I had been rained on, due to that humidity! :lol:

It did finally rain last night, but only .41°, though some areas got considerably more. Temperature was actually down to 73° (hasn't been there for a while!), when I got up early this morning, to go to Aldi, and up to 75° at 9 am; though the dew is still all over the grass, they say they humidity is going down all day, which would be good.

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It is now 102°f (39°C) at the nearest airport where there have been 23 August days with high temperatures above 90° (32C). The Weather Service says that it has been the hottest August locally "ever."

There has been officially only a "trace" of rain for the month. I have lived in this area for over 50 years and remember that there have been Septembers without rain but we haven't really had measurable rain since early July. There was that remarkable hailstorm that showed up at the distant garden and badly damaged melons and eggplant but the hailstones were very far apart. I think that they hit only one tomato (smaller target) and must have amounted to very little water once melted.

After such a cool Spring ... HEAT.


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They just "officially" announced that this August was the hottest on record for this area. Didn't surprise me at all. Also haven't seen much rain, and with things that would normally bring over 2", we would be lucky to see a half inch. I don't know how much of a rain shortage we are in, but it's all around the area, some worse than others.

Today, it was "only" 88°, but the humidity was much lower! I stayed out a lot longer, as a result.

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It was about 82 degrees today. But the winds were low so so it felt more like 85. These are the hottest days of summer. I am running the fan almost every evening and night. Unfortunately, my cat still likes to sleep on top of me, so he keeps me even warmer. The night temperature does cool down to 68.

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I’ve been meaning to post about this —

Earlier in the summer, I bought this after watching and thinking about it all last year.

Cooling Vest with 2 Fans for Men Women - Sun Protection Air Conditioned Clothes with 3 Speed Adjustable for Hot Weather Work

I first saw these introduced by Japanese youtubers especially who work outside in the hot sun last year and the year before — and most of them have upgraded. This kind of summer heat- protective clothing has seen several iterations and I think it’s at least in 3rd or 4th year models now over there (4th is +pockets for ice packs — combining fan cooling with features of ice pack vests/jackets). The type I found on Amazon is ranked in the lowest according to this year’s models review — they have higher capacity batteries and strength fans, long sleeve, short sleeve, and vest styles suited for average agricultural and landscapers, arborists (safety line), construction workers and carpenters… as well as designs for higher management and supervisors with more taylored jacket-like fabric and styles, colorful and designer fabrics, etc.

I realized that one of the less remarked on side benefit has been the MOST important for me (since I can more or less quit and go inside if I get too hot) — the constant flow of air pushing out from the bottom, arm holes, neck and around the hood when I have it up REPELS MOSQUITOES (and other bugs that tend to swarm your face). So I’ve been wearing it even when temps have been cool enough early in the morning.

This lightweight style I’m wearing with anemic power fans are rated suitable for common agricultural workers (but even those have rain-proof fans now). But with the fans at medium or high speed, it has served me well all August and lasts for at least 4 hours on full charge.

(I went out yesterday with the battery pack indicator at 3 out of 4 …but was probably closer to 2… and it ran out while I was still in the hoop house — at least NO MOSQUITOES. I do have a second battery pack, but I didn’t go get it since I was almost done anyway).

— This is the battery pack I bought — (Oh, it’s called a “power bank” :oops: )

Anker PowerCore 10000, One of The Smallest and Lightest 10000mAh External Batteries, Ultra-Compact, High-Speed Charging Technology Power Bank for iPhone, Samsung Galaxy and More

There are loads of them, but here’s a 2022 review video I watched —

…sorry that wasn’t the one I was thinking of, but it shows the difference in fans.

Here’s another one (still not the one I intended :roll: … didn’t I save the link? )—

…yeah I got obcessed — found the one I was thinking of that described features that are recommended for different type of jobsites including SPF, cooling fabric, full harness support, anti-electrocution (?), reinforced shoulder patch, restrained puffiness for tight spaces, etc. etc.

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