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I hope I’m not way too late to wish our Canadian neighbors a happy Thanksgiving weekend.

I hope you and yours are enjoying this Autumn’s bounty. :-()

Greener Thumb
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Well thank you Applestar, for the Thanksgiving wishes to Canadians. I and my wife aren't big turkey fans - it's pretty good but not preferred, so we'll have precooked ham tonight; spend part of the morning deciding how to serve it.

Garden Brussells sprouts (Gustus) are ready to start picking - right on time. We just finished harvesting tomatoes; yield for the year about 110lb. - best plants gave about 7lb each. Thanksgiving is appropriate!

We won't be with family - the closest are about an hour distant and having a big 3 generation get together; some masked, a couple not, at a separate table. We're old geezers now and not unhappy to have excuses to stay home - Covid, don't drive in the dark, can't sleep well at home & even worse elsewhere. We love them all but when they all get together the noisy laughter & cross-conversations can be 'wearing' on elderly ears!

I forget whether US Thanksgiving is before or after ours. After, I think? Hope you have a good one. Have a happy Sunday with your babies (plants). Sorry to hear about your kitty.

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Happy Canadian Thanksgiving too. Our Thanksgiving is in November. I am not a turkey fan either. I prefer a Cornish hen with wild rice stuffing. I either make a pumpkin roll or lemon meringue pie for dessert. Normally, I only have dessert for holidays or birthdays.

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My oldest son celebrates Canadian Thanksgiving. When children were at home we cooked turkey but was never a turkey fan. Cats loved the turkey left overs. Now the 2 of us have chicken & dressing.

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