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Is this a pepper garden!?

I was wondering if this garden has peppers in it!?

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Are you asking because you planted pepper plants or sowed pepper seeds there?

I don’t think I see any …mostly grass, some small leaf weeds — those big plants look like some kind of vines? …Unless they are type of pepper I haven’t grown before. Are they growing in a pattern you planted?

What exactly did you plant (if that’s what you did)?

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I inherited a garden -- there is parsley, onions, and a few other things that seem to be some kind of summer plant 🌞

I was pretty sure those plants in the shade were pepper plants ,🤣 but they haven't flowered AT ALL yet, sooooo I wasn't sure 🌞

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Typical pepper plants (big fuzzy leaves are eggplants)

Pepper plants typically grow a sucker (new branch stem) at each leafnode (base of leaf stem where it attaches to main stem/trunk) and when reaches flowering stage, split into a forked 2-stem trunk, then these will fork and so on and so on.

(This year, I’m trying a “prune and style” method—heavily pinching the suckers off and removing leaves lower than first fork, support with stake, etc.)

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Soooo they aren't peppers!?

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not peppers. the ones with the heart-shaped leaves might be sweet potatoes…but at that size at this point in the season, they’re probably recently sprouted morning glories/bindweed.

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