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How To Avoid 'Starting Over' When An Arbor Is Installed In A Few Years?

Hi Everyone!

I planted a bunch of grape plants last summer. Most of them appear to be doing well. I have rabbit/small animal garden fencing around the grape garden. I am planning on putting in an arbor in the next few (1-3 years). What can I do now for the grape vines to grow on so that when the arbor is installed, I can 'transfer' these multi-year vines to the arbor? I'm wanting to avoid cutting the grape vines back and starting over when the arbor is installed- I want the grape vines to continue at the length/thickness they are when I put in the arbor. My thought is to arrange some fishing lines for the grape vines to grow on until the arbor is that point, I can tie the fishing lines to wherever I want those vines to grow on the arbor. Is this how to go about eliminating the need to start over when the arbor is installed? I'd love to receive any tips/suggestions experienced growers might have for me. Thanks so much everyone!!!


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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Have you thought of using a cattle panel to create and over head trellis? You can anchor the panel with fence posts or rebar and bend them over a walkway and anchor them to fence post on the other side.

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Hi imafan,

Yes, making a trellis has crossed my mind. I didn't get to the point of thinking about using cattle panels to make the trellis. It's a good idea. I like the idea of walking under grapevines! Thanks for your response!


Posts: 14064
Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Thanks but it is not my idea. I got it watching youtube videos.

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