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Super Green Thumb
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Aloe Vera help!

So today I purchased an Aloe Vera. When I got it home I noticed one of the leaves was broken. If I put all that gel inside a jar, will it keep?

Also, anymore advice on how I can successfully care for this Aloe Vera outdoors would be greatly appreciated. It was lots of pups and I hope to separate and raise them.

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I have the same kind of aloe. What do you want to use the gel for? We regularly break off an entire leaf and one is in the bathroom — beak or cut off end to dab on acne, pat under eyes, dry skin, etc. Hubby currently has a leaf sitting next to the TV remote because he accidentally burned his hand inside the oven. He breaks off and dabs the burn. I slit a 1-2 inch piece and drop in liquid soap pump container to infuse aloe extract to the soap.

If you don’t anticipate using right away, I would make straight cuts on both sides of the break with sharp knife and keep the broken piece in the fridge — loosely wrap end with saran wrap (I usually keep in the butter compartment on the door)

To put the plant outside, make sure to acclimate to the sun. Aloe sunburns easily if suddenly put in direct sun.

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Super Green Thumb
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Sorry about your husband's hand!

I had no idea you could use the gel on acne, I think I'll use it for that use. I haven't burned myself on the oven in a long time, but boy I could've use some aloe then...

I plan to let the aloe Vera have morning sun. But can it eventually get accustomed to full sun most of the day? How often should I water it? When can I cut off the pups?

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