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TomatoNut vs. Leafminers

So now that my mom finally destroyed her peas, her leaf miners following me and went into my garden.

These are just some experimental peas I'm working with I grew from found seed. I think they're Holstein and Hog Brain peas.

Anyway, now I'm having trouble with the leafminers. I've been doing only what I can, trying to spray the underside of the leaves off with water when I see the tiny black eggs. But it's not helping. Please see photo of the fly: I believe those are the same flies my Mom described to me as the same type of flies that we're flying about her garden. Small and shiny. I've been seeing them buzzing around my garden plants to. I've never had this problem before! Is there ANYTHING on this planet I can spray or dust on the plants that will kill the miners or prevent the flies from laying their crummy eggs on the plants in the first place??!

Should I pick off the infected leaves or would that not be good for plants so young?

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If you need to save most of the leaf for whatever reason - Squish end of tunnel where they are — I have used Hand held hole/ticket puncher as well as a pair of — I don’t know what you call it ...looks like pliers but has sort of curved parts that pinch together on the end ...key is they pinch together with no gap since a leaf is so thin. Obviously thumb and forefinger nails can do the job as well.

If you actually see eggs, Physically get rid of them instead of relying on Sprays. Dabbing with alcohol might help dry them up? I don’t know tho. Trick is using something that won’t harm delicate pea or bean leaf.

...I think I did mention there are sticky traps and specific pheromone lure that is used for monitoring a field. Don’t know where to get’em tho. TEXAS A&M might have a source link?

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Super Green Thumb
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I have been spraying the eggs off with just plain water, not an insecticide. Actually, my BFF just lead me onto a bottle of concentrate spray that kills many insects, including leafminers. It's called Spinosad Boarer and Bagworm spray. Saw some on the internet, I'm gonna get some and try it.

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