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What are you doing for Mother's Day

My sister reminded me that Mother's day is coming up this Sunday. Usually, my orchid club has a Mother's day orchid sale, but that has been cancelled by Covid 19.

We told mom that we are having dinner at my sister's house. I am working on Mother's day. I pretty much work every weekend, so it is not unusual. I did request Saturday off three months ago for the club sale, so I can do my prep on that day.

My sister is looking for hydrangeas in a decorative pot. I told her there are potted plants being sold in gift baskets at stores for Mother's day but she may have to be more flexible on the plant.

My sister wanted me to make a Lemon meringue pie, but I only have two small Meyer lemons and it is not enough for pie for 14 people. Back up plan is Jello cheesecake dessert. I have almost everything except the whipping cream. I will have to kick the seeds out of my refrigerator for the night since I don't have a flat place in the refrigerator for the dessert if I make it on Saturday. Only family is coming, and not everyone since my nephew lives on Molokai. Our cases are relatively flat. 1 new case on the Big Island and no new cases on Oahu for a few days now.

I know it is not the case everywhere else. Mother's day is different here than before under covid 19 rules. How are you going to celebrate Mother's day?

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Super Green Thumb
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I've alredy told my mom that I had no idea whatsoever to get her. She's a very difficult person to buy for, she's not the flowers/candy/jewellery type. She loves stuff that she can use, but here's nothing she really needs, and she hasn't told me of anything she wants. She told me not to worry about giving her anything so I'll probably just spend the day with her, neither one of us have been anywhere so we don't have to worry about giving each other germs. Actually, I'm hoping to go on a fishing trip tomorrow if the road's not too muddy, I'm hoping I can get her to come with me. Both of us have gotten cabin fever. Not that she's the outdoor type, she complains about heat or bugs but hey, change of scenery.

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