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Aloe Vera ID and Care

I recently purchased this plant from a local produce stand. After some research, I think it is an aloe that is brown/orange due to too much sun exposure.
Can anyone confirm?
Any tips on how to properly take care of this plant?

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It does resemble and aloe. I can't say what species it is without the flower. Aloes will look like that when they get sunburned, but be careful about watering. They should not be easy to kill, but once they start going down the slippery slope, it is hard to stop.

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How often should I water it?

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Super Green Thumb
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YES too much sun makes them turn brown. Plants do not like uneven soil moisture in pots. I planted a plant about the size you have in the soil on north side of my house it was 3 ft tall in 1 year and make about 400 babies, plant was only getting about 1 hr of direct sunlight every day. Plants like well drained sandy soil. You need to feed your plants 15-15-15 fertilizer about 1 teaspoon every week. As plants get larger they require more food every week. If you continue to keep it in a pot get a larger 1 gallon pot with lots of sand about 60% child play sand. Give plant about 2 tablespoon of water very day. If you have an ice maker throw 2 or 3 ice cubes in the pot every day instead of water. If you plant it in the yard put 50 lbs of sand in soil you won't need to water plant once it gets larger roofs. If you do not have well drained soil plant can die from root rot.

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When plants are stressed it is important not to do anything that will stress them more. Most people tend to water plants more when they don't look good. Plants need to balance the top growth with the roots. What affects one part will always affect the other. It is important that you don't love your plants to death. Make sure your plants are put in a place where they can recover and be somewhat protected, and make sure they get only the water they need.

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