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How to store water soluable MiracleGro?

I've had so much trouble over the years with my MG powder turning into a wet mush and leaking out of the box. What causes that? Is it humidity getting to the powder? My organic MG turned into a thick, sticky mass. I have another box, but it's still powdery since it's not opened yet. How can I stop it from ruining? Would sealing the boxes in a Zip-Loc bag help any?

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I save gallon jars, and many smaller jars with rubber seals - pickle, olive, cherry, and jars from many other things - for a lot of things , usually peppers, dried beans, grains, and other things in my pantry and spice cabinet. I'm sure it would work for things like that. I used to have people saving them for me...until I got more than I would ever use!

Ziplocs don't work, and plastic containers don't seal well, either, unless they have a rubber seal, as well.

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Thanks, @pepperhead; I will save jars that they'll fit in! :) I wonder if putting rice in the jar with the bag of fertilize would help some more?

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Rice is sort of a desiccant., but that's another thing I save - those little packets of silica gel, that come in all sorts of items (I just got one today, in some drug thing). Still, even with a bunch of desiccant, the fertilizer will still absorb moisture - that is also a desiccant, STS, and unless the container is sealed, more moisture will get in. Some of those plastic containers that appeared to be sealed, that I put some totally crispy dried peppers in, would have some flexible peppers, several months later. Doesn't happen I those rubber sealed ones.

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If blue salt fertilizer, then I imagine it will still work when diluted according to directions.

Organic one looks like any number of concentrated liquid organic fertilizer now, so just use up quickly in liquid “tea” form— up to x10 water — in case it will get bad mold/bacteria, etc. other organisms decide to live in it. I would also consider making aerated fertilizer tea (like compost tea) with aquarium air pump and large air stone before applying.

You could also try mixing that into large batch of oat, wheat, or rice bran with a bag of brown sugar to make bokashi organic fertilizer — BASIC instructions ... thoroughly mix then fill a tub or bucket with tight-fitting lid, allow to “mature” for 2 weeks in summer/2 months in winter, stirring top to bottom occasionally. Then air dry in insect screen mesh-covered open tub, stirring often, until completely dry. (I suspect the fermented product can be stinky so be warned). This is assuming the organic fertilizer is already inoculated with good bacteria. If not you may have to add.

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The organic MG used to be a powder. I had no idea it had 'welded together' like that. It is sticky, thick and the measuring spoon refused to budge it. I'd have to cut the bag to get to the mass. I was wondering if it may dissolve if I plopped the mass into a five gallon bucket of really warm water and stirred it. Then pour onto plants as needed?

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