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Fire Pit Rotisserie

I recently done a deconstruct, reconstruct project on my fire pit, here is a video short of me testing out the DIY rotisserie.

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Good video. Now I'm hungry------wonder why???

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Looks yummy. Next time if you cook 2 birds on a spit, butt them up against each other. It keeps the moisture from coming out from at least one end. My cousin has a pit that can roast a whole pig or 5 turkeys. We like to get the turkeys in the middle since the juices get locked in. The ones on the end, are drier since the juices drip out the open ends. All you need now is a bean or sauce pot and hanger.

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imafan26 wrote:Looks yummy. Next time if you cook 2 birds on a spit, butt them up against each other. It keeps the moisture from coming out from at least one end. My cousin has a pit that can roast a whole pig or 5 turkeys. We like to get the turkeys in the middle since the juices get locked in. The ones on the end, are drier since the juices drip out the open ends. All you need now is a bean or sauce pot and hanger.

Thanks for the moisture tip, I did want to butt them up but I couldn't because of the rotisserie forks, I did see a guy on you tube put the forks on backwards and offset, this got the birds in tighter.




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I put apple and onion quarters in the chicken or turkeys. Sometimes I use lemons. I really helps with the moisture. I also put a couple of halepeno peppers and apple juice in the blender then strain it through a coffee filter. It makes a good injection or used in a spray bottle while cooking the birds to give them a nice dark color.

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I've got a 14 lb. turkey sitting in a nice brine since last night that I will put on the smoker tomorrow morning. It will be in the brine about 36 hours before I pull it out to rinse and pat dry before doing my rub for the exterior and tossing it on my smoker.

I did one just like this about 6 months ago and it was a huge hit with us. Plus the leftovers make great sandwiches and the carcass makes a great stock for when I make gumbo or gravies.

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That's very inspiring, thanks for sharing the video!

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Well, the turkey was pulled from the brine, rinsed and dried, then injected with my blend of seasonings, both liquid and dry, some olive oil rubbed over the outside skin and my dry rub applied.

While that was going on I had the coals for my smoker getting started and put it on the smoker at 9:15 a.m. to be ready by late afternoon. Going to have mashed potatoes, brown gravy and steamed cauliflower to go with it. Should be a good day at the homestead, food wise.

Now, if we can just get the Saints to pull the win over the Cowboys in the Superdome today, that would be icing on the proverbial cake.

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I have this civil war reproduction for cooking over a camp fire. 35 years ago we cooked on this all the time at the camp ground but have not used it in 10 years. Scissors legs are adjustable to fit any size, skillet, pot & pan. We use to have a hanging cast iron pot we cooked many pots of, stew, chili, beans, soup, etc with it. I use to love cooking over the fire. Easy to assemble in 15 seconds. Packs away in a small space too.

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I was always inspired by the civil war cooking setups.
Get er going?

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SQWIB wrote:I was always inspired by the civil war cooking setups.
Get er going?
2 more pictures, 3 gallon pot, 8 gallon pot.

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