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Is this a carrotwood tree?

I have several of these tall, skinny trees that grew like weeds in my yard, have gotten as tall as a 2-story roof, and now are producing fruit! Can anyone identify this tree? (You can ignore the Bougainvillea in the background.)
Fruit on my trees.jpg

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Someone who lives in my area said that this might be a carrotwood tree… Can anyone verify that? Are the fruits edible? :-)

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It might help if you indicate geographic location — I’m not familiar with this plant at all but bougainvillea won’t survive the winter here either.

I wondered if it looks a bit like loquat, but I haven’t seen a loquat in person since I was about 10 years old.

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I'm in San Diego. We don't have winter here, so nothing dies, LOL!

Loquats are smooth fruits, with no ridges and grooves like the fruits in my photo have... Which is too bad, because they are pretty tasty!

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