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2019 What's the weather like where you are?

Gary350 wrote:it rained hard all day.
Way north but right with you. This would qualify as a monsoon - if it was a lot warmer. Lows barely above frost, highs only a few degrees better with rain, rain, rain. Would be nice if a person could be prepping the beds for spring crops, eh? Dream on.

What's that you're building Gary - will it fix the weather?

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It is 73 degrees out right now with moderate trades at 16 mph. It is actually cold for me. I finished watering, pulled some weeds, and hit the hardscape with the Roundup in the herb garden. One of the hives is very weak and I don't know if it will hold on another couple of months. Two hives are very strong for a winter cluster. The weather has been windy but not to wet and there are still a lot of flowers in bloom, so the bees have forage.

I watered the yard yesterday and the pots are still damp so I did not water today. The weeds are thriving again with the intermittent rain that comes at night. I will have to do another round of Round up and the grass needs mowing again.
I am surprised, I have not seen too many snails around. I guess they don't like the cold either. I have more days off next week, so I hope to get more yard projects done if the weather holds up and it does not get too windy. I still have some trees to prune, plants to pot up and move, and of course more weeds to pull.

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I think what Gary has there might be the inner workings of a Weather Machine. has information on Portland Oregon's Weather Machine on today's main page.

The weather here continues to be unseasonably warm! The winds this morning have 40mph gusts. My neighbor still has his Christmas lights projecting on his garage door. This year, it is a swirling snowflake theme.

His motion detection lights are on above the garage door because so much wind is tossing about the nearby, leafless tree branches. Those lights shine rather directly into our kitchen windows. When I first got up, I thought that with the swirling lights and moving tree branches that his garage was on fire ..!

I wonder if those lights will stay on if we lose power ..?

digitS' 2019

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I only can get limited information now because of the government shutdown. I am getting more current updates in the past few days. Weather around here is usually predictable. I don't have snow days, but my mother once got a brief rain of hail on a hot day once. There is fog in the gully and if I drive on the freeway through that gully there is some light fog at night and in the early morning. This has been a relatively dry winter and the temperatures are staying in the 60's. However, January is not over yet and January and February are the coldest months of the year. BTW. Winter clothes in Hawaii is a jacket and a couple of extra blankets on the bed. I am also wearing my socks around the house. Tile floors are cold. Jalousie windows are designed to maximize air movement, and are not good for locking out the wind.

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Holy crow, there's blue sky and sunshine! Still very cool, but it's an unexpected bonus. Let's see if I have the energy to do something worthwhile with it. 11 o'clock already.

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We had blue sky and sun yesterday and again today. It appears rain has stopped almost every where, the whole country is having unseasonable warm weather like we had 7 or 8 years ago when all the weather channels were calling it El Nino. Americans seem to need a reason to blame weather on something, soon as 1 of the weather channels decides to start calling this weather El Nino they will all be calling it El Nino. Weather forecast here is 5 days of sun then more rain. We joke about how the only way weather forecast in TN can be right is look outside to see what it is really doing right now. LOL It is 68 degrees and sunny this makes me want to till the garden but soil is still mud. I wish I could flush the garden like a toilet.

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18°F last night and 32°F right now at 1:30pm. Snow in the forecast during the next 24 hours but not sustained precipitation even though the current radar makes it look as we could get a lot... Most likely everything will fall to the ground before the system gets here and we will just get the leftover remnants.

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It dumped on us: 8 inches of wet heavy snow.

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Those are some crazy temperature swings they are predicting for Sunday. As might be expected, Winds will be howling.

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It is 64 degrees with a high expected of around 78. It will be another beautiful day with mostly sunshine. A cold front should be coming through around Wednesday. I better get the yard weed whacked and the weeds killed before then.

Right now the glads are blooming and some of the roses. I have a lot of winter orchids so there are about 10 of those blooming now.

The slugs and snails are staying out of sight, I guess they don't like the cold either.

I need to get another pair of sox and a jacket. This is too cold for me.

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There’s a broken up system passing through, and we are having a smattering of snow with current temp at 30°F. But they decided that the 100% precipitation from Sat to Sun will not likely be snow as predicted earlier with 38/37°F rising to 49°F on Sunday.

BUT the overnight low forecast for Monday morning after that is now 5°F, with daytime high on Monday of 16°F and overnight of 9°F :eek:

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We had a quarter of an inch of rain. Fortunately, it only created icy conditions for a few hours yesterday when it first began and, fortunately, it fell as snow at higher elevations.

Temperatures there warmed only just above freezing and locally at least, the snow pack is building about as it might on average.

This has not been an average winter. I don't remember early winter ever being this warm. Hopefully, spring warmth will not quickly melt that snow. The streams, aquatic life and our water from the aquifers will depend on it. Perhaps, spring rain will replace slowly melting snow at lower elevations to be of benefit to the dryland farmers in this area. We will hope so.


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High today 29, low tonight 14, it will be colder tomorrow they claim. Sunday 65. Monday high 68. My Rhubarb plants keep tying to grow with all this 60 degree weather we keep having. Trees keep trying to grow leaves. No snow yet. Crazy.
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Yeah, the weather people were hyping this big weather storm like crazy. Prediction was for rain over night, turning to snow by dawn this morning. By 11 AM there was supposed to be two inches of snow, which is like a snowpocalypse for us. Everyone freaked out and bought supplies and all the schools closed ..... and nothing happened. The rain came as predicted and then it stopped and then we had a sunny, mild-ish day.

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Raining, turning to snow overnight, with a temp drop to 5-6º! I remembered to cover that one rosemary plant, but I also brought the bug one indoors - just in case.

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rainbowgardener wrote:Yeah, the weather people were hyping this big weather storm like crazy. Prediction was for rain over night, turning to snow by dawn this morning. By 11 AM there was supposed to be two inches of snow, which is like a snowpocalypse for us. Everyone freaked out and bought supplies and all the schools closed ..... and nothing happened. The rain came as predicted and then it stopped and then we had a sunny, mild-ish day.
LOL :o LOL :-() LOL :mrgreen: LOL This is so FUNNY and so True TN people totally freak out with a report of possible snow, then mob the grocery stores to stock up on food like they might starve to death in 2 days. It is interesting how geographical location determines what weather conditions scare people when I lived in Arizona schools would close if weather reported it is going to rain. It only rains a few times per year in AZ rain scared everyone to death they are afraid to drive in it. LOL. When I lived in Michigan and near Illinois/Wisconsin border 8" of snow never slowed anyone down schools were open and people went to work. When I first moved to TN I was rolling my eyes in disbelieve how people freaked out over a few snow flakes. LOL I love driving in snow its like being in the Twilight Zone, I am the only person left on planet earth, the only person on the road, no cars in any parking lots, I spin around & around doing donuts in all the parking lots it is FUN. It snowed 30 minutes this morning large beautiful snow flakes, schools are all closes and many people will stay home from work. Since I took these pictures 10 minutes ago snow on the street in front of the house has melted. LOL 25 degrees here but the ground is warm.
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TN snow shovel.jpg
I feel bad for all the people who are really suffering. We moved down here to get away from all that. We are getting the very outermost edge of the storm. Going down to 18 degrees tonight, which is quite cold for us.

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Cold here too, but not as cold as that.
About 30 degrees in the morning, 40-50 range during the day.
Cold and sunny today. Nice day.

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Currently at 11pm, it’s 6°F (-5°F) out there ...expected lowest will be around 4~5am with 4°F (-12°F)

...just got a new update — expected low is now 3°F
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Reason: Update BRRRR!!!!

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TV said, average rain for Nov is 6" for the whole month. We already have 14" this month and expecting 9" more this coming week. Rained none stop all day. Its been raining for 3 months.

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We are having some rain.

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Yup! Us too!


That is the remains of a Subway restaurant after a mudslide hit it. We have had so much rain for so long (6+" in Dec, 15 more in 2019) that the ground is just giving way.


We are actually stranded here right now (though on high ground and in no danger). We live on a tiny dead end street, that comes off a bigger road. If you turn right off our street, in a couple blocks, the road goes over PeaVine Creek. That not infrequently floods and closes the road there. Usually it is not a big deal, because we can turn left and get out that way. Now the other direction is closed also due to Chickamauga Creek flooding. I have not seen that before in the 3+ years we have lived here. So the only road out is now closed in both directions .... oh well, we don't have to go anywhere....


This is the old Swanson Mill on Graysville Rd. and this is Chickamauga Creek. The picture does not even do it justice, how huge and fast the creek is now. This is about 1.5 miles from our house and is right about where the road is closed.

Incidentally, the building is the old grist mill house. It is amazing, with three levels of balconies over the Chickamauga and its own canoe/kayak entrance. It is for sale for just under one million dollars, if anyone is interested in buying an old mill house that would make a great b&b or something.

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oops ! duplicate post

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That line is coming here overnight, but hopefully, it's not going to be that bad! It rained much of the day, with a slight lull now, and then the red and orange in the radar is coming. I have to think positive - this could have been snow, in normal February temps!

I hope none of of you are in those submerged areas!

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We have been having a really long cold spell. I can't believe February is this cold. Really weird weather so far this year, that's for sure.

My Honey Berry plant had some nice spring buds on it but then it snowed and then came below freezing temps, so now I think that plant might be dead. It's in a pot. I was getting ready to put it in the ground, and then the cold weather came, caught me by surprise.

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honeyberry is very hardy. I expect it would need to be much lower than just below freezing to do any real damage, even in a pot. mine have big buds on them now and don't mind being periodically frozen.

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Thank you for the reassurance, potatoes. I feel more hopeful about that potted honey berry plant now. Nice that you have honey berries too. I don't think it
is very common in the US, but I do see it in some of the plant catalogues now. The robins love my honey berries when they are ripe, and I love the robins, so I don't end up with much for myself.

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I’ve been looking at them in catalogs — how close are they really to blueberries in flavor?

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2 feet of snow here in sunny AZ. Flagstaff got 42 inches, down here further south at just over 5000 feet, 2 feet fell. Started last Wed eve and went thru Friday. Just got out of the driveway today. Now I know what Jal means when he says nothing growing but ice and snow!

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applestar wrote:
I’ve been looking at them in catalogs — how close are they really to blueberries in flavor?

Honey berries are tarter than blueberries. I think that honey berries taste better. I tend to favor tart over sweet flavors. Sometimes blueberries are tart. It seems like blueberry plants produce more fruit than honey berry plants. That is my impression. I don't get much from my honey berry plants, the berries are small and it is time consuming to pick the berries. Honey berries are not as plump as blueberries. There needs to be at least 2 different varieties for pollination to occur. I like honey berries because they are different. I left some in the fridge too long and it turned to wine. Honey berry wine is fantastic.

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Once again it's Mardi Gras time in New Orleans and the prediction is for rain, and lots of it most of what's left of this week and into the next with Fat Tuesday being the final day of parades before Lent starts.

The temperatures have been in the 70's during the day and will remain that way into the weekend before turning much cooler on Monday, but they are predicting rain chances at 100% for the next 5 days.

Won't really affect me since I don't go to any of the parades, but it is wreaking havoc in my garden since I can't get in it to do anything until it dries out a bit-----------and that isn't happening for at least the next 2 weeks, if the rain stops and stays away.

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It snowed last night here - and coming this way next mid-week are overnight lows of 12-15°F. But not a superlow windchill — just 4°F

...but I saw a flock of grackles in the trees this morning. They seem to think spring is coming.

*Thanks for the descriptions of the honeyberries @HoneyBerry :D
** Good to see you back and posting @gumbo :-()

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17 this morning, going to be in the 20s for 2 more days. Relatives in Cadillac Michigan sent these pictures. Snow is 12 ft deep they removed enough snow from front door so Mark can climb up and over to get to his vehicle. Mark goes to work in his 4x4 truck every day but Burnie has not been out of the house in a month. Snow has most windows completely covered not much sunlight gets in. Snow plow keeps snow off most of the streets. I love Michigan is summer but glad I don't live there anymore.

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It has only drizzled for a little while, then the sun came out. It is 70 degrees at noon. Good weather for growing carrots, but still a bit chilly for me. However, I don't think I will ever miss snow, sleet, and black and white winters. I am still waiting for the temperature to get closer to 80 so I will be comfortable.

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We had two months of above normal weather than a month of below normal weather. We got snow on that month. It is now going to get about normal wil be in the 60's.

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It is typical weather for us. The night temperatures are in the low to mid 60's and the highs are 76-78. It drizzles or rains briefly almost every day.

Right now it is 70, with cloud cover obscuring the stars. It has been drizzling rain off and on.

In Hawaii rain is liquid sunshine. It is a little breezy with the trades at 10-13 mph. There is nothing like getting a sudden blast of cool wind by a door. Even with all the windows closed, the wind can sometimes still come in and move the curtains and blinds around and slam doors shut.

A few weeks ago the winds got into the 50 mph range and the neighbor's tree broke. The first branch fell into my yard and is dangling on top of my orchids and pineapple. I still have to get out there and cut it up. A second branch broke a few days after that, but it is on the neighbor's side.

Rain makes the grass grow too fast, I really hate weed whacking more. I did feel sorry for the grass and fed it, so I will be paying for that too.

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Downright stupid lately. We get a few days of weather warm and muggy enough to have to kick on the A/C and then it cools down enough to run the heat.

Then we get rain, 2-3 days of dry, breezy weather and I think one more day and I may be able to pull my rows without making mud pies------------then it rains again.

At least 2 weeks behind last year at this point,,,,,,,and more rain in the forecast for this weekend. Can't win.

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That sounds frustrating @gumbo. And I know you have to keep looking at the tail end of the spring growing season when the summer heat shuts down the garden, so you would like to get planting.

It went up to 76° F here today.... and no, that’s not normal.

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Yes, it is very frustrating. I got a few plants in yesterday in the front section of my garden that is a bit higher than the rear section but even then my soil was in clumps instead of nice and loose.

The plants I put in were already started but to direct sow seeds means I'd have to first pull rows, make furrows for the seeds and then cover them with potting soil to completely cover the seeds and give them something easier to break through when they sprout. My soil is in clumps about the size of ping pong balls right now.

And it rained again today to add to the frustration. Our gardens live and die by the weather.

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After 4 1/2 months of non stop rain weather forecast is 7 days of SUN with NO rain. Wow.

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