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Aloe root rotten

I have an aloe plant and the roots is rotten. I would like to save it if possible please help let me know what I need to do save my plant? The rotten part is about 36 inches long

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

If the leaves are still good, you can try to cut the leaves to where they are firm and healthy. dry the cut end for about a week until they are calloused off and then replant it. If the leaves are soft and shriveled or the black rot has gotten to the crown, it will be hard to save. Aloe is a common plant, so it is not that hard to find. It is best to be kept outdoors in the sun and watered only when it is almost dry. If you keep it indoors, go for an unglazed terra cotta pot that breathes and a lighter mix. Take the plant outside to water it and let it drip dry. If you have to water it indoors. Leave it in the shower or sink until it is well drained. If you use saucers, use pot feet or pebbles in the saucer and make sure there is no standing water in the saucer. I live where it rains a lot so I plant most of my succulents in cinder and terra cotta or cement pot. If I do use plastic pots, they have extra holes in them. Cinder does not have any nutrients so I use osmocote or nutricote for fertilizer. Black Cinder is neutral so it does not need liming.

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Joined: Sat Nov 10, 2018 10:35 am

Thank you so much!

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