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when to Re Pot seeds

Hello everyone! I'm new to bonsai and love the thought of growing my own small tree! I have bought a kit with multiple seed types and followed all of the planting instructions. it says to plant 10 seeds in each small pot (about the size of a mug) well one of my seed types is called pinus aristata and in that small mug sized pot 8 of the 10 are sprouting and it looks crowded! when should I separate these guys into their own pots?

Thank you!

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

If they have true leaves and you are careful you can gently tease them apart and replant them. Do not handle the roots, you can touch the leaves and the stems. Sometimes if I cannot separate all of the seedlings, I leave a couple together and try to separate them later or snip one off it they are too entangled. You can use water to wash off the roots if they are difficult to separate, but you will get transplant shock that way.

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Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2018 7:50 pm

Thank you! so leave all of them in the pot until they are strong enough to be re potted!

Thank you so much,

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