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Bonsai dying

Ive had this guy for about a year and its done very well, I had to change its location in my room and it was right next to a tv for a couple months. don't know if that has anything to do with it. since then it hasn't had any growth and leaves keep droppin also found black shavings?? on the underside of the trunk that were never there. I water w about 30 oz when needed, and mist every other day or so. my room can get kinda hot as well.

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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:32 am
Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

It is a ficus and it does not like being moved since it is very sensitive to light changes. I am more concerned by the black thing on the bark. I cannot tell if it is fungus or bugs. If the plant has been in the same pot for two years, it may be time to repot. Potted plants do have to be repotted since the media does sour and decays which can cause root problems.

I would re pot the ficus in a clean pot with a bonsai media, you can get akadama from amazon or use a gravelly mix. I use black cinders for most of my potted trees since I water almost daily and it is very important for tree roots to have good air spaces and a well drained mix. Cinders are readily available and cheap and it is a media that works well for the way I water. It does not look as good as akadama, but my plant is still in a training pot, so I would not spring for the better mix until it has been shaped and is ready for its good pot. I've had junipers and ficus before, but don't have any now. I did have geometry tree and I tried a mini citrus, but I was not as successful in keeping those alive. Right now, I have a bougainvillea that was growing in my yard for 20 years that I dug up and threw in a pot. Unfortunately it survived, so now I have started training it for bonsai. I have been getting advice from my friend who is in the local bonsai club, since bougainvillea is not an easy plant to shape. Sun is not an issue for me as I keep my bonsai outdoors year round. I just have to make sure they have enough space and 360 degree light so they keep their shape. I have the other branch of the bougainvillea that was cut off and stuck in a pot. Unfortunately, it survived as well. Interesting, since bougainvillea have fine roots and people easily kill them by not carefully transplanting them. I have stumps rolling on the ground sprouting. Sometimes, you just have to find the right plant for the right place. BTW, the reason I don't have ficus now is because my plants got to big and tried to make a break for it.

If the black part is some kind of fungus, the plant needs more light and air circulation. I don't think it is in a good place. Since the plant has gone dormant anyway, it won't hurt it anymore to try to find a nicer spot. It looks like it is still alive at this point. Be careful not to overwater until the leaves grow back. ... #kpvalbx=1

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