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introduction and in need of landscaping ideas

Hi! I am Ann. I live in the SF bay area and I came to this forum to get some ideas for landscaping my front yard. I live in a coastal part of town very near the ocean. I am hoping to get some good ideas on where to plant some of the potted plants I have as well as other plants, rocks, ground cover I will need to purchase. My potted plants include pygmy date palm, king fern, australian tree fern, tasmanian tree fern, elephant ear, bird of paradise, banana, philodendron (2 types)magnolia stellata. In addition I have the following mature plants (bottle brush, escalonia, some type of coniferous tree, and a tree that I can't identify. I don't have a very good eye for this. I hope to learn however through your input/suggestions. I want my house to have good curb appeal. It has none now. I have sandy soil and gophers that are resistant to eradication. I suspect I will have to do some kind of workaround like some hardscaping. I also have roses on the other side of my walkway. Do I post photos of my front yard and the plants I currently have in pots and the mature in ground shrubs/trees?

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Welcome to the forum
While I can't help too much as I am unfamiliar with your local conditions, I would think some of your more tropical plants might not do so well if you are on the coast (elephant ear, bird of paradise, banana, etc).
You certainly have a fair collection of Australian plants, lol.

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I love tropical plants and the Australian plants. They do okay in the pots! I'm just scared if I put them in the ground the gophers will have a field day! Plus I don't know where to put them. I am willing to buy some other plants and ground cover but I just don't have a designer's eye for the placement.

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Some pictures of the area you want to landscape, along with dimensions and what direction it faces would help.

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I am trying to post some photos of my yard but it says this extension is not allowed when I attempt to upload them. Sorry for not being more tech savvy. Can you tell me how to upload the photos?

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My front yard faces south. The walk way is to the left of the barren front yard. Measurements are length of yard from front of house to fence by sidewalk is 42 feet. Width of yard from fence along driveway to border by neighbors house is 25 feet. White picket fence in front by sidewalk and alongside side by driveway. The sidewalk in front of the house has a park bench with two large wooden wine barrel planters on each side with scented geraniums. Lawn type grass does not grow well here with salt air and proximity to ocean. I am not sure where the pgymy palm should be planted. In the middle of the yard? Or off center? I am willing to acquire other plants as well as utilizing the various plants I have in pots. I have a few well established english and french lavender plants in pots that are thriving that I could move to the front. I know I need some ground cover plants in addition to tall ornamental beach grasses. Maybe some rocks or wood bark. I just don't know where to place these or what other plants I should buy? Raised beds? Decorative pots? Once I figure out how to upload the photos I will post those. Open to all suggestions. I figure it will take me at least a year to get the work done. I appreciate all the help I can get from a design and garden perspective.
Thank you.

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Webmaster has a series of instructions for posting pictures here which is updated as needed:
:arrow: Subject: How to Post Pictures & Photos on Forums

Let us know if you are having trouble posting pictures despite following the instructions or if your situation is not covered.

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This is the front of the house looking at it from the street.
front of the house looking at it from the street.
front of the house looking at it from the street.
1.jpg (42.68 KiB) Viewed 10741 times
Walkway to the entrance of the house
Walkway to the entrance of the house
Walkway to the entrance of the house
2.jpg (24.12 KiB) Viewed 10741 times
View from entrance of house looking at street
View from entrance of house looking at street
View from entrance of house looking at street
3.jpg (23.53 KiB) Viewed 10741 times
Picket fence bordering front yard and driveway - Halls honeysuckle along with some pesky morning glory vines.
Picket fence bordering front yard and driveway
Picket fence bordering front yard and driveway
4.jpg (22.95 KiB) Viewed 10741 times
A new picket fence will be installed shortly bordering the two properties Many ferns, philodendron, bird of paradise, another three palms in pots (Sago, Queen,and ponytail palm in pots along with pictured Pygmy date palm. I am looking at ground cover plants and various ornamental grasses. Maybe rocks?
Post whichever you think would be pertinent for this forum. I so appreciate the advice. I love plants.
Many ferns, philodendron, bird of paradise, another three palms in pots
Many ferns, philodendron, bird of paradise, another three palms in pots
5.jpg (20.09 KiB) Viewed 10741 times

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I uploaded the photos so members can now see them.

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