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Car troubles

Yesterday was a rainy day. While driving parents to dr’s appt, brakes suddenly failed as I was stopping for a red light. I thought I was going to roll right into the intersection. :shock:
Stomped on the brake pedal in panic and felt my foot floor it without resistance, then it felt like the ABS [...what is ABS? I meant to say Anti-lock Brakes....] was working — anyway, stopped in time. Fortunately nobody in front of me.

When light changed, started slow, ready to pull over, but it felt like I had control now and was able to slow as needed even though it felt odd and soft/lacked resistance, so took chance and went on to the dr’s office which was only a little ways further on the same road (2 more traffic lights), but kept down to no more than 45mph. Luckily pulling into narrowed lanes and slower traffic.

Even luckier, when driving around the medical office park to find the office, I ran into DH who was coming out of a different building in the same park. Had him follow me and drive my suv to check it out after unloading parents, and when he came back — decided it was drivable but I should take it to be repaired after taking parents home. Again, luckily all local, suburban traffic.

We met at the garage later and left my car. Garage called later and said rear brakes had completely failed and I had been driving with only front brakes working. Yikes! :eek:

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Glad it all worked out without anyone getting injured or anything being dented. I've had brakes fail before and it is a scary feeling to have that pedal go to the floor with no slowing down to accompany it. I've had to use my emergency brakes to make it home a couple times over the years until I could find the problem and fix it.

Your brakes work as a closed hydraulics system and any leakage like a blown brake cylinder or faulty line will let fluid escape out and air in, and once that happens it gets very dicey very fast.

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No brakes that's scary stuff.
My DW brake lines blew and she had no brakes at all.
I drove it home with no brakes, suburbans are heavy and hard to stop.
Of course it was a busy Saturday and we were about 10 miles from home.
I had to time the lights and downshifted to slow down. And of course I had people cutting me out and all the crazies were let out to drive that day, me included.
Used the brakes one time the whole way home but one use and all the fluid was gone.
We had all the brake lines replaced.

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Thanks. Yeah I know nothing about cars. So when something goes wrong it’s all downhill from there. :(

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applestar wrote:Thanks. Yeah I know nothing about cars. So when something goes wrong it’s all downhill from there. :(
And brakes come in real handy when going downhill. :P

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don't forget the old redneck emergancy stop method. jam it in low gear(easy with an automatic) and turn the key to "off". then use the park brake for the final bit. have done that ..twice, darn it, and it works, if no one is in front of you.

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Scary. Reminds me of when I was a young driver. I was approaching an intersection when I had to stop because of all things, a group of school children were in the crosswalk! My heart still pounds at the thought of what could have happened. My brakes failed and I was able to steer into the curb to stop myself.

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You are a brave one. If it were me, with my parents on board, I would not have gone further once I notices a problem. You took a real chance. Two things you never take a chance on....brakes and tires.

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Was your parking brake working? In time of need, if you aren't going too fast, you can use parking brake...

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I didn’t get around to testing/utilizing the parking brake because I could feel that some kind of brakes were working, though the sensation to my foot was “wrong” somehow. What I was doing was going slow and occasionally letting up on the gas to creep to slower speed, and when there was nobody behind me, I would test the brakes and see if I could slow down. When I did need to actually stop, I started to slow down way early to give myself plenty of time and in case the car didn’t want to stop.

Once I adjusted to the new odd feel of the brake pedal, it felt like there was a slow but solid response each time I pushed on the brake pedal, albeit with odd momentum which I think is explained by the front-only braking — maybe similar to bicycling and only using front brakes?

Now I now that my car had separate brake systems front and back and front one had not ruptured.

It’s great to hear these tips for what to do in case of future repeat. I have a relatively good emergency response. I said “in panic” above, but actually that was the reactionary reflex, you know? Each time I’ve been in a true emergency, my mind has gone into a sort of a shuttering effect in which my emotional self is compartmentalized away, and my analytical mind takes over, sorting out options and directing my body to necessary actions — that has saved me numerous times. Believe me I was ready to swerve to the shoulder if it wasn’t going to stop and I was constantly scanning the side of the road for obstacles and targets.

I know if brakes ever fail on me again, your tips will come in really handy. Thank you very much! :D

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Haha Moonshadows, my parents never noticed there had been a problem. I even took them out to eat at what used to be their favorite Chinese restaurant for a special treat from the regular assisted living dining room fare before taking them back. :wink:

...incidentally the restaurant was on the same road (3 traffic lights away) as the gas station/garage where I later took the car know, just in case the car failed along the way....

...just wanted to add — it’s True that it is scarier when there is trouble with passengers on board. It’s mentally scarier for me when I have my DD’s on board, but it’s more difficult when my parents are on board. After lifetime of driving with me, my DD’s are sensitive to my driving moods and know to stay quiet and not distract me when traffic is complicated, but my parents have no such sensitivity and my Mom in particular tends to do — it seems like — everything imaginable to take my eyes and mind off the road.... :roll:

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applestar wrote:... I ran into DH who was coming out of a different building in the same park. ... :eek:
That caused a sharp intake of breath when I read those words!! ..altho I was curious why I'd just read something about you being lucky .. :shock:


Years ago, and in my first experience with being at 10,000 feet in Colorado, I was a passenger in an old panel truck. We headed off downhill. The truck lost its brakes!

The driver was in an understandable panic. I just figured that it was now, all up to him :? . I tried to reassure him that he was doing well and he just needed to "hold onto it." We passed several cars on a two lane highway, horn blaring!. Then, made it into one of those steep uphill turnouts that the highway department installed for such events! The brakes were okay after they had cooled.


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