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Acacia Burkei dying or dead

Hi my name is Vishen and I recently bought a acacia Burkei from Johannesburg and brought it down to Durban . I then repotted it without cutting roots and with half of the old soil into a bigger pot with bonsai potting soil . Two days down the line the top of the tree levels started turning yellow . I researched it up and found out that it might be not enough water . So I started giving it more . Now that stoped but a new problem started . The leaves are starting to curl up on it . .. iam a beginner so please help I would hate to kill the tree . It gets 4 hours sunlight in the mornings and shade during the day . It’s placed on my balcony. I water every morning. What is the problem and can you tel me how to care for this exact tree. Your help is much appreciated.

Thanks Vishen

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It could simply be shock. For the 1st week after acquiring a new plant, it’s a good idea to let it acclimate to a new location. Depending on how the plant had been kept before, I wouldn’t even expose it to direct sun — I like using dappled shade such as under a tree or behind a lath or cloth.

Same thing after repotting — no direct sun for at least a few days to a week.

Watering should be done by feel and not on schedule. Use your fingers to feel the moisture level of the soil, or heft after watering to learn the weight and then water when lighter. Most plants appreciate being deeply/thoroughly watered then not again until soil surface is dry.

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So I should only water it when too soil is dry ?

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Here's some good reading about bonsai care:



https://www.helpfulgardener.com/bonsai/ ... soil-pots/

I'm not sure why you thought yellowing leaves indicated too little water. That is much more likely to have been a sign of too much water.

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There’s some pictures to confirm stress or not

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I did read the posts and didn’t know that pots really make a difference.. see pictures above and tell me if my one is ok . Middle picture is the placing of the plant on the balcony.

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