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Cucumber Leaves Problem - Anthracnose?

Hi could anyone help tell me whats causing this and if there are any remedies for it. I've done some research but I'm not 100% sure whether or not it's Anthracnose. So far this haven't affected the growth or the flowering of the

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Looks like powdery mildew to me. I'm not sure if there's a cure but I do believe there is plenty of things you can do to stop it from spreading. Have a look around this site for powdery mildew treatments. I'm sure it's a very common issue. I don't think your plant will die from it, it'l still grow a produce cucumbers.

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Hi @PingoBags thank you for replying. I'll look into increasing the airflow, humidity, and also increasing both calcium and amino acid. Hope I can control the spread soon = )

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Yes, more likely powdery mildew. If you use the search box in upper left hand corner, you can find lots written here about it.

Here's one thread to start you off: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=72711&hilit=powdery+mildew

You want less humidity, not more. Water only the soil, not the leaves. Mulch well so soil doesn't splash up on the leaves and the wet soil doesn't put humidity in the air around the leaves. Not sure how the calcium and amino acids relate to powdery mildew, but they are general nutrients and can't hurt.

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Be sure to clip off badly affected leaves and spray underside of at risk leaves with preventatives like milk solution or baking soda solution.

These plants are looking great btw. What variety are you growing? Is it a parthenocarpic variety that will set fruits without needing to pollinate by hand?