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Yellowing pepper plant & Oddly colored Strawberry Plant

I have a small container planter growing a pepper and strawberry plant and am pretty new to this.

The pepper plant is yellowing and looks a bit weak. The strawberry leaves are very discolored and has some white dots on it. I've done some research but can't tell if I'm dealing with whiteflies, mites, powdery mildew or a nutrient deficiency.

Any advice based on the pics would be amazing!

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Nutrient deficiency on pepper plant for sure. Did you recently start using that woody mix? It looks like something that would tie up nitrogen unless used ONLY on the soil surface as mulch.

A good dose of fish emulsion should help. But any fertilizer will do.

...I see aphids on the strawberry. Are they FEEDING ON the strawberry leaves or did they fall from something else above it?

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The reddening strawberry leaves are dying. There can be a lot of reasons for this. It is a normal process for the oldest leaves and after the plant finishes fruiting. Cut the reddish leaves off. If the plant is healthy, it will produce more green leaves. Otherwise the reddening can be caused by fungal disease or phosphorus deficiency.

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Super helpful feedback! There was a tomato plant in an adjacent pot that was infested with white bugs (possibly aphids?)

Given that they don't seem to have multiplied the same way on the strawberry as they did on the tomato, am I good to just spray the strawberry plant w/ a hose/spray bottle to knock the aphids off? Any other tips would be very much appreciated!

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