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Heirloom seed swap!

Hi everyone,
Just wondering if anybody would like to do a seed swap with me?
There was a lot of interest in my Feuerwerk tomatoes, so I am currently collecting extra seeds from them.
I only grew 3 varieties this year, the Feuerwerk, a mystery orange (I got it in my pack of orange wellingtons, but it is a potato leaf and ended up being much tastier than the wellingtons so I grow it every year), and black cherry.
If anyone would like to do a swap with me for any of these, I'd love to try something new. :mrgreen:
aug 12.jpg
aug 12 2016.jpg
aug 12  c.jpg

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The tomato store is open! :wink:

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Oh, and I'd love some of your feuerwerk, but I'm not sure I have anything you would want - how about Brandywine or Cherokee Purple (though so far, they are not seeming to be that purple, lol). Or Peppers, maybe either Padrons or Poblanos?

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KitchenGardener wrote:The tomato store is open! :wink:
Haha!! Yes!!
I would love to try either of those. Let me know how the Cherokee purple turns out. I've never tried that one

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So exciting to try some of yours! I have to share an ironic gardening story with you. I am an avid gardener and love it. I know I need to have my soil tested but other than that, I think I do it right: I add amendments and tons of compost, plant them the right distance from each other and orientation to the sun. I fuss over them and only deep water them, avoiding the leaves, etc. I prune and stake and get the picture.

My ex lives right up the street, and, having done everything I could at the time to my garden, and having leftover seedlings from what I grew, I decided to go plunk a few in his front yard. I went up with bags of compost and good soil amendments, mixed organic fertillizers into each hole before planting the tomatoes - in other words, lots of TLC. But still, I doubted they'd survive because they didn't have my loving touch and I actually thought he'd ignore them.

I have gotten one tomato so far - I have a bunch more that are soon to ripen. But I went up to his house (hadn't been there in a long time) and his plants are the healthiest tomato plants I've ever seen!!! The fruits are HUGE, each one about a pound plus and so many of them are ripe! They are beautiful! He generously offered me some as he has "too many," lol, and I took some. The comparison to my smaller fruits is stunning. Yep, they are the same as I planted them all from seed and watched those little seedlings grow, but I guess his soil is just perfect as well as his microclimate. Maybe I should fuss over my tomatoes less?

So long way of saying the Cherokee purples can be, apparently, well over a pound (though around here in farmers markets they are not usually that big), I think of them as thin skinned, they can cat face (one of mine has but only one and none of his), and they are tomato-ey in flavor with that great sweet tart balance - plus they are a lovely color. I am happy to send you some of each of the seeds, but I have no idea how to contact? Are there any challenges to send things to Canada?

So excited to try your Feuerwerks!!

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I'd like to try a few seeds, I have some Pink Berkley Tie Dye to trade with you. These were awesome and will be planted from now on.

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Hey, I'd love to exchange some seeds across the GTA. ;) I have Brandywine (I could send you the ones that grew really well in a container), Red Robin (really nice little dwarf; good for baskets and small containers), and Rutgers (not too impressed, but might have been operator error; too much high-N fertilizer).

(ETA) Shouldn't be any issues shipping to and from USA/Canada. I got my Red Robin seeds off Ebay from a seller in NorCal. 8)

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Anyone who is interested PM me and when all our seeds are dried and ready we can mail them out!
Can't wait to try all these yummy tomatoes next year!!

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Beautiful!! I'd love to try these. What amazing colours!

RadRob wrote:I'd like to try a few seeds, I have some Pink Berkley Tie Dye to trade with you. These were awesome and will be planted from now on.

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Isn't that always the way? :lol:
Mine started out that way this year. I had loads of seedlings, and I couldn't bear to throw them out so gave them away. My seedlings were struggling and yellowing and everyone else's were huge and green!!
Then I figured out the perfect feeding and watering and mine are now 8 foot monsters producing tons. I grow mine in containers, so its a lot trickier. But I don't think anyone has had bigger tomatoes than me this year. So it all ended up OK in the end. But man was I bummed when everyone else's were doing great and my prize plants were yellowing (from me accidentally spraying with too much aspirin water). I'd chosen the perfect soil, mixed in my pearlite, saved up eggshells and crushed them and added them to the soil, had my fish emulsion. I was sooooooooooooooooooo upset. But then I got a great suggestion for fertilser and used it with my fish emulsion weekly and BOOM, off they grew. Had fantastic tomato weather this year too, so very lucky.

KitchenGardener wrote:So exciting to try some of yours! I have to share an ironic gardening story with you. I am an avid gardener and love it. I know I need to have my soil tested but other than that, I think I do it right: I add amendments and tons of compost, plant them the right distance from each other and orientation to the sun. I fuss over them and only deep water them, avoiding the leaves, etc. I prune and stake and get the picture.

My ex lives right up the street, and, having done everything I could at the time to my garden, and having leftover seedlings from what I grew, I decided to go plunk a few in his front yard. I went up with bags of compost and good soil amendments, mixed organic fertillizers into each hole before planting the tomatoes - in other words, lots of TLC. But still, I doubted they'd survive because they didn't have my loving touch and I actually thought he'd ignore them.

I have gotten one tomato so far - I have a bunch more that are soon to ripen. But I went up to his house (hadn't been there in a long time) and his plants are the healthiest tomato plants I've ever seen!!! The fruits are HUGE, each one about a pound plus and so many of them are ripe! They are beautiful! He generously offered me some as he has "too many," lol, and I took some. The comparison to my smaller fruits is stunning. Yep, they are the same as I planted them all from seed and watched those little seedlings grow, but I guess his soil is just perfect as well as his microclimate. Maybe I should fuss over my tomatoes less?

So long way of saying the Cherokee purples can be, apparently, well over a pound (though around here in farmers markets they are not usually that big), I think of them as thin skinned, they can cat face (one of mine has but only one and none of his), and they are tomato-ey in flavor with that great sweet tart balance - plus they are a lovely color. I am happy to send you some of each of the seeds, but I have no idea how to contact? Are there any challenges to send things to Canada?

So excited to try your Feuerwerks!!

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Hi guys,
Is anyone still interested in doing this? I have a ton of seeds, I'd love to swap some.
PM me your address and I will mail some out :)

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I have Everglades tomato seeds to share...and lots of other plants such as luffa, Roselle and mint.

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TomatoGirl I sent you a PM. If anyone want some PBTD that I posted earlier send me a PM.

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Yes please!!
Can you pm me and we can swap addresses.
Thank you :)
BeachyChicken wrote:I have Everglades tomato seeds to share...and lots of other plants such as luffa, Roselle and mint.

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Awesome! Thank you.
RadRob wrote:TomatoGirl I sent you a PM. If anyone want some PBTD that I posted earlier send me a PM.

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I PMed you, TomatoGirl. If anyone's interested in Brandywine (including the one that did really well/early in a container), Rutgers or Red Robin, PM me. I also have some peppers: Mini Orange Bell and Early CalWonder.

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KayJay and RadRob your seeds are being mailed out today.
Please let me know how they do for you :)

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It has been 20 years since I experimented with heirloom tomatoes. I found what we like and that is all I grow not sure I have any seeds you might want. I have Drumstick seeds from Taiwan they make beautiful trees that need to come inside the house in winter frost will kill them. Planting a new seed every spring is easier for me. 50 pack of seeds on ebay is 99 cents.

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TomatoGirl, the seeds germinated really nicely, but I managed to ruin the plants with bad soil in the containers. It was like swamp mud. Combine that with the miserable cold and rainy spring we had, and I was lucky to get a few tomatoes. I did get enough to save seeds, though. I can't wait to try again next year.

I'd love to do this again over the winter. :) Maybe we can update later on and have another exchange.

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