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Top Hat blueberry leaves black spots

Top Hat blueberry bush
Top Hat blueberry bush
I just bought this young top hat blueberry bush online (from and it looks diseased. It came from South Carolina. Can someone help me identify what is wrong with it? The leaves have black spots and areas near edges. Is it Anthracnose? If so, is there any hope for it. I just received it in mail today. Should it be returned or can it be nursed back to health?

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I agree it looks diseased. I don't know if it is anthracnose, although that is definitely one of the possibilities, or some other fungal disease or possibly a bacterial canker. But in any case the chances of "nursing it back to health" are very slim, especially in such a young plant.

If that is the way it arrived, that is unacceptable. I would contact the company and see about getting them to make it right.

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Thank you. I will be calling about it tomorrow.

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I would not buy live plants on-line during the extreme hot (or freezing) weather -- at the source site and along the shipping route as well as your own. Unless you use overnight express or other $$$ shipping options with air conditioned handling, the package is subject to severe conditions.

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