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Gary350 Garden 2016. Where is my hoe?

I usually plant a well organized garden but not this year weather was crazy so I got a small spot tilled and planted tomatoes, onions, and peppers first. About a week later I planted a short row of potatoes and another short row of onions. We had 90 degree weather in April so I planted seeds it rained and turned cold none of the seeds came up. I plants more tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, onions. We had more 90 degree weather in May I planted more seeds it turned cold and rained nothing came up. Half a row of beans came up the other half did not. None of the corn, okra, beans, squash came up. The 3rd week of May I bought squash plants, zucchini and yellow. I planted more okra, 4 more tomato plants, 1 chili pepper, 1 banana pepper, melons, sweet potatoes, more corn. Corn came up this time soil has warmed up to 65 degrees so I planted another short row of beans and beans between all the tomatoes and all the peppers just to add nitrogen to the soil for them.

May 29 this is the garden.


June 6. Plants are growing. I keep having bad luck with the cold weather none of the seeds germinate.


June 13. We went camping for 5 days when we returned home corn finally came up and is about 6" tall. I hilled up the corn to hold the plants straight up because I know TN weather we will surely have a few bad storms before summer is over. The soil hill holds the moisture and makes the corn grow taller and faster.


June 18. WOW we had a big storm yesterday evening 60 mph wind and lots of rain. The garden was under 2" of water for an hour. Potato plants and onions have blown over. It is good I used cement rebar this year to hold up the tomato cages. Corn is taller and it did not blow over.


June 19. OK I cheated. I used 10 foot long EMT conduit to make straight rows for planting seeds it was easier and faster than string. LOL. Tomato plants on this end of the garden are still the shortest 4 feet tall they get full sun all day. Tomatoes plants on the other end of the garden get full shade after 12 noon they are 6 feet tall. Soil in the shade has more moisture so maybe that helps the tomato plants grow taller or maybe they grow taller in search of more sun light. ? Tomatoes sure are loaded with tomatoes I think we may be in a panic soon trying to deal with 50 lbs of ripe tomatoes all at once.


Melons and sweet potatoes are going good. I planted 4 more tomato plants and another short row of beans. These new tomatoes are growing fast. Now we have about 7 different type tomatoes.


My cat is helping me inspect the garden she spends most of the day sleeping under a tall tomato plant where it is shady and cool. There has been no grass or weeds at all since I planted the garden but it looks like I might need to look for my hoe I have not needed it yet this year. Garden is too muddy for me to walk in so maybe about Wed or Thursday I can do a little weeding.


Beans, peppers, onions, potatoes, squash are all looking good.


Potatoes and onions were looking good until the storm blew them down flat on the ground. Okra is still short but that is how okra does soon as it gets blistering hot and dry okra will do better.


Mud is really bad but it will be gone soon today is Sunday a day of rest I don't plan to do anything today.


I hope to have a good crop of potatoes this year. I put wood ash on them every evening after we BBQ on the grill I know potatoes need a lot of potash. I burn maple tree sticks in the grill. Potato plants were about 2 feet tall before the storm.


The garden produced an ok crop of garlic and 2 yellow squash so far. I harvested a few potatoes and onions early for a pot of beef stew. I have a kitchen stove outside for canning this will keep the heat out of the house in the 100 degree weather. Mason jars are ready, beans look like they should be ready to harvest in a few more days and tomatoes should be ready soon maybe another week or 2, sometimes its hard to tell about tomatoes but when they start to get ripe they all get ripe at once.

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I could read about your garden all day. It looks great - growing so fast - and super healthy! You are going to be inundated with produce. Love that you have a stove set up outside for the canning.

What do you can?

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I'm jealous. You have a great looking garden.

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June 21, 2016. Green Beans, first harvest about 1/2 a row. Beans for dinner tomorrow.


Last edited by Gary350 on Tue Jun 21, 2016 7:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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June 21, 2016. I planted another 40 foot row of Blue Lake Bush beans before the storm arrives. I usually sprinkle beans like grass seed then push each bean into the soil with my finger 1 by 1 but today I decided to make 3 side by side rows it is faster then rake soil over them. We have tornado and flash flood warnings it is a race against the clock to get finished before the storm..


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June 26, 2016. The rain just keeps coming, it is usually dry as desert and 100 degrees by now until Sept. The corn is taller and the new row of beans is coming up.


The second row of onions, second row of potatoes, squash, okra are all doing good. Still no weeds in the garden.


Bell peppers are 2 ft tall now and have small tennis ball size peppers. Tomatoes are loaded with green tomatoes. I harvested the beans a few days ago I have not decided yet if I should pull up the plants or let them go to seed. I need to make more room for tomato plants.


The second corn crop is up. Tomato plants on the shady end of the garden are still the tallest.


The small melon patch is getting crowded. I keep making all the vines turn right and covering them put to make more roots. If the mud does not dry up I will have a problem with rotten melons.


The little short row of beans is looking good. They get a lot of shade in this spot so many they will be ok with that.


It is 8:30am the sweet potatoes are in the sun now but not for long about 2 hours of full sun is all they get each day. I don't think sweet potatoes will do well here but we will see. Vines are growing so slow there is nothing to do. Still no weeds or grass in this part of the garden either. I still have not needed to use my hoe.


Tomatoes are finally starting to get ripe about 2 more days these 2 will be ready to eat.


The storm blew down the first row of potatoes but they have straightened themselves up. The second row of onions look much better than the 3rd row of onions. Tomato plants are loaded with lots of green tomatoes.


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June 27, 2016. We had Garden Pizza for dinner tonight. Sliced tomatoes, sliced yellow squash, sliced zucchini, onions, garlic, cheese, herbs, sausage, Ragu Pizza Sauce, Thin crust. Wow the fresh ripe vegetables made it so good. I picked the first ripe tomato today.


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9/29/2016. Made a blackberry cobbler today. The blackberry pie was gone before I could take a picture. We froze a gallon of blackberries. I tried to make some small fried pies but too much work so I made a real pie it was easier. These are wild TN blackberries thorns are 3/8" long.



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DINNER July 2, 2016. DINNER. Salad with tomatoes, lettuce, onion, parsley, oregano. Corn on the cob. BBQ pork chops on the grill.




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Garden tools. I use the shovel more than any other tool. I drag the hoe like a road grader blade through the narrow rows to scrap off the tiny weeds before the stems become hard. I use the back flat side of the cast steel garden rake like a larger 12" wide road grader blade. A quick walk through the garden and tiny weeds are gone. I have very little use for the hoe I do most of my work with the shovel. Once garden plants get big they make too much shade for weeds and grass to grow. I don't use mulch either it promotes weeds and grass by making soil moist on the surface. I did about 20 minutes of weeding today first time in 3 or 4 weeks. When I walk through the garden if I scoot my shoes on the tiny weed plants and they are gone.


Last edited by Gary350 on Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:42 am, edited 2 times in total.

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July 2, 2016. No weeds and no grass, I never have much of a problem with weed and grass. Garden is making about 2 ripe tomatoes every day. Too many green tomatoes to count we will be busy canning tomatoes soon. Lots of bell pepper but still too small to eat and 1 banana pepper. Getting too many squash some times 5 a day. Harvested beans again yesterday. I bought corn at the farmers market my corn won't be ready for another month. Melons took off like crazy now I am cutting the vines short to keep them contained, I can see about 30 baby melons already in this tiny 10'x10' melon patch. I covered all the melon vines with dirt to make more roots for larger melons. I bought a melon at the store, had to get out of bed 7 times to pee, not sure I really want to grow melons now after that bed time experience. LOL.





Last edited by Gary350 on Sun Jul 03, 2016 7:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Your garden looks great, Gary. And when it gets to the table the veggies look even better. I am afraid my garden has a few more weeds than yours. Good job

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Todays harvest is much larger than yesterday. Looks like we will have tomatoes for lunch and dinnner. I picked an early bell pepper it will be good for lunch and breakfast omelet tomorrow morning. I found a green tomato on the ground it will be fried green tomatoes for dinner. Wow more squash looks like squash again for dinner. I think there is enough beans for 3 or 4 meals for the 2 of us.




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We keep getting hit by storms. Corn blew down 3 times I keep standing up but it gets blown down again. Some corn stocks are banana shape they tried to grow themselves up while laying on their side. Now corn is straight up but still bent like a banana. They will straighten out by themselves. I only lost 1 corn plant so far.


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I picked enough tomatoes to can 10 pint jars of tomatoes today. I washed, sliced, and boiled the tomatoes in 2 pots then hot packed 10 clean pint jars I was finished in 35 minutes. Boil 20 minutes then turn it off. After dinner removed jars from warm water, dated them, put them in the pantry. Total job less than 1 hour, I did not need to stand watch them boil or watch them cool either. 2 boil pans and 2 water pots speeds the job up.

Dinner tonight was, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes, green beans, squash, fried onion rings, baked hamburger with a thick slice of tomato baked on top.




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28 tomato plants are doing good. We have ripe tomatoes every day. I took a second look and I think there will be 40 ripe tomatoes to pick tomorrow morning. My best guess is there are about 476 green tomatoes on the plants not counting the 4 cherry tomato plants. My son has 8 plants in my garden with 7 ripe tomatoes and about 134 green tomatoes.

Click the photo it gets larger.


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More tomatoes this morning. 36 and about 30 or 40 cherry tomatoes.


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From the size of that potato how big is the pot your cooking beef stew in???
Beautiful garden, love the pics but now I'm starving.

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Corn is 8 feet tall and making tassels. I have no clue what we will do with 400 ears of corn about the time we go on vacation. The storms just keep coming every day.


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Gary350 wrote:Corn is 8 feet tall and making tassels. I have no clue what we will do with 400 ears of corn about the time we go on vacation. The storms just keep coming every day.

Looks healthy and I think it appreciates the rain from the storms. Hope the winds don't blow you down. Good luck.

Still can't believe how weed free you keep your garden. I went to the beach for a few days and WOW, the weeds grew while I was gone.

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lakngulf wrote:
Gary350 wrote:Corn is 8 feet tall and making tassels. I have no clue what we will do with 400 ears of corn about the time we go on vacation. The storms just keep coming every day.

Looks healthy and I think it appreciates the rain from the storms. Hope the winds don't blow you down. Good luck.

Still can't believe how weed free you keep your garden. I went to the beach for a few days and WOW, the weeds grew while I was gone.
I rarely ever do anything to weed my garden, I never have weeds in my garden any place I live. I think the trick is getting started right. I till the soil in the spring then every day I run the tiller through the garden pretty much as fast as it will go just to do root damage to weeds and grass and promote seeds to sprout so I can damage them tomorrow. When I plant my garden I guess all the weeds seeds have sprouted and died no weeds or grass ever comes up. We have been having storms, high wind and rain every day I am starting to get a few weeds probably the wind blew in some seeds. Small weeds are no big deal I walk through the garden and scoot my shoes over tiny weeds and they are gone. When I use the hoe I use it like a road grader blade to scrap away tiny weeds. 40 years ago I use to fight weeds and grass every day but no more. When I harvest beans, tomatoes, okra, etc if I see a weed tall enough to pull I pull it up, if it is tiny I wipe my hand over it and it is dead. So far this year only 1 time I made a special effort to weed a million tiny plants coming up in the corn rows, I pulled the hoe through the corn rows scraping off weeds then next day I looked to see what was still alive. After that I used the toe of my show to wipe away weeds between each corn stock. When weeds are 1" tall they are so easy to scrap away with little effort just walking on them will usually kill them. 30 days after the garden is planted I till between the rows as fast as the tiller will move till just to break the soil surface and the weeds all die. After that I never till again. I walk through the garden 2 times a week just to inspect plants not much to do except time up the tomatoes. The hardest thing to do now is pick beans, tomatoes, okra, onions, squash, herbs.

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Corn grew tassels a few days ago plants should have corn soon. Tomato harvest is about 20 lbs every day. Okra is slow about 3 pods every day. Bell peppers are slow to but that is ok we don't eat many of these. Onions are small we eat them in dinner salad and potato salad every day. Water melons are out of control about once a week I cut the vine off to keep them all in a 12' by 12' area I was covering all the vines with dirt as they grow but now there are too many vines. Twice a week I keep the sweet potato vines moving in a clock wise circle around the mother plants covering up the vine with dirt as the grow. I am letting my first bean harvest go to seed so I have seeds to plant next year. Herbs are all doing good we have them in salads all the time. Banana peppers were planted late they are not making many salad peppers yet. Potato plants look good it will probably be another month before I learn if we have a good crop.








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DINNER. Little Zucchini pizzas on the BBQ grill, zucchini bread, corn, tomatoes, potato salad, cottage cheese, Kielbasa on the BBQ grill. We canned 9 more pints of tomatoes.






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Todays harvest, 8 lbs of green beans, 4 okra pods, 2 zucchini squash, 3 small onions, 31.5 lbs. of tomatoes.



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The sweet potato plant is getting larger every day I keep the vines going in a clock wise circle. I cover the vines with dirt about 2 times every week to keep the vine making new roots and more potatoes ever place the vines grow more roots. Sweet potatoes like hot weather it was 100 degrees today and no rain for 4 days. 100 degrees and no rain in the weather forecast for a whole week. Not likely it will cool off or rain in the next 3 or 4 weeks, this is typical summer TN weather. I am hoping to get 100 lbs of sweet potatoes from this plant. This plant started out with 2 vines now I think it has about 20 vines, the vines much Y.


The 12'x12' melon patch has several melons hidden away under the leaves. I have been cutting the vines off short trying to keep this crop contained. So far so good. Melons love it hot this 100 degree weather is what they like but there probably will be no rain for 3 or 4 weeks it rarely rains July and Aug in middle TN.




The tomato plants are still loaded with tomatoes they have been producing tomatoes for 3 weeks. Last week we were getting 20 lbs a week, this week we are getting 30 lbs a week. I picked 33 lbs of tomatoes today I guess we need to can more tomatoes tomorrow. My late 6 tomato plants are starting to make tomatoes too.




This 40 foot row of blue lake bush beans are doing good. The 2 corn crops planted 3 weeks apart look good. The first corn crop looks like it will be ready to harvest 800 ears of corn next week.





Okra is picking up speed it was producing 3 pots every day not it is producing 5 pods per day. About Sept we will have more okra than we can eat. Potatoes look like they will be ready to harvest soon. Bell peppers are still making no peppers but that is not strange for bell peppers about Sept the plants usually makes a lot of peppers. I harvested all the onions on this end of the garden yesterday I got 26 nice onions.


The tomato plants on this end of the garden get full sun until 5pm and the temperature is 100 degrees the tomato plants have leaf curl. Leaf curl is no big deal it is natures way to get less sun on the leaves.

Last edited by Gary350 on Wed Jul 20, 2016 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Alice made crock pot fresh garden vegetable soup. Every thing is from the garden expect the ham bone and 3 stalked of celery. Green beans, corn, onions, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, peas, parsley, oregano. It has to cook all night and will be ready to eat for lunch tomorrow. I think it will all be gone by bed time.

Last edited by Gary350 on Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Dinner was good tonight. Best garden vegetable soup with corn bread and wine I ever had.


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Dinner looks great!

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DINNER. Fried zucchini with green beans and onions. Boiled potatoes fried. Corn on cob. Tomatoes. Pork chops on grill.


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Corn is ripe today, WOW it is GOOD. We had 4 ears with lunch and 4 ears with dinner along with tomatoes, potato salad, cottage cheese, squash & onions, Squash onions potatoes, chicken, Hebrew Hot Dogs. This corn crop is in the sunniest part of the garden it gets full sun from 8:30 am to 6 pm. I have 4 rows of corn planted in a 12' x 12' spot, rows are 3 feet apart, seeds are 6" apart, 25 seeds per row, 100 plants per crop. All the plants have 1 ear of corn except for 3 plants with 2 small ears each. Pollination is excellent for such a small corn crop all the ears are filled out. We finally got a very good hard rain last night and small rain yesterday and the day before it came at the perfect time right when kernels are filling out. I am going to keep an eye on the corn and watch it fill out every day it should reach maximum growth by Monday evening or Tuesday. If we eat 8 ears Sunday and 8 ears Monday and 8 ears Tuesday we will still have 72 ears to eat, they will all need to be picked Tuesday evening for sure.




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We harvested 97 ears of corn and cleared away the old corn stalks. The second corn crop should be ready in about 2 or 3 weeks with 180 ears of corn.

Beans are ready to pick again. I picked another basket of beans today from row #3.

We have 7 ripe watermelons that are very tasty.

We have 74 pints and 11 quarts of tomatoes canned in mason jars in the pantry.

Bell peppers are growing taller but that is all they are doing, no bell peppers all summer.

3 rows of potatoes should be ready to dig soon, I can hardly wait to see what is there.

Soon it will be time to plant garlic about 1 more month.

Okra is 6 feet tall now and finally making a good about to eat 2 times every week.

One row of tomatoes died from blight I think one of the other rows has blight too.

Banana peppers and Hot peppers are just now starting to make peppers.

2 of the 8 squash plants died, heat has slowed them down but cool weather will produce more squash.

Sweet potatoes are doing very good I hope to have about 100 lbs of potatoes when frost kills the plants about Halloween.

The days are getting shorter and the temperature is getting cooler next week I need to start thinking about my fall garden.

I am going to plant, broccoli, peas, Napa cabbage, Swiss chard, Spanish, turnip greens, garlic, beets, kale, soon.

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Harvested 9.5 lbs of potatoes today.


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Garden pizza, onions, garlic, peppers, tomatoes, olives, pepperonis, cheese, sauce. Bake 400 degrees for 25 minutes.



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The garden is making 20 lbs of tomatoes every day.




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We have enough tomatoes for the winter, 84 pints, 11 quarts.

Last edited by Gary350 on Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:47 am, edited 3 times in total.

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We have 280 ears of corn.


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I am getting ready for the FALL garden, garlic, broccoli, peas, potatoes, Napa cabbage, beets, kale, chard, celery, lettuce, Spanish, turnip greens. This morning the garden was full of so many butterflies it was impossible to count them all. Wow they were nice I guess I screwed up and tilled the garden too soon. I throw all the watermelon pieces, tomatoes, and other vegetable scraps in the garden it attracts the butterflies. Now the butterflies are gone, wish I had take pictures.

Photo 1 the 40 foot row of onions are gone, the 40 foot row of potatoes are gone, the squash are gone.


pic 2 the melons are gone.


#3 the first crop of corn is gone.


#4 the 40 ft row of beans that were between the corn and tomatoes are gone.


#5 The sweep potato plants are looking a little dry. Last week we had a sudden change is weather it is cooler this week. The bird feeders were full of birds last week but this week there are no birds. The tomato plants are looking better I sprayed them every day for 5 days with rust water to kill blight.


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I planted some of my winter garden today, broccoli, rainbow Swiss chard, Napa cabbage, leaks, beats, radishes.

Soon I will plant 100 garlic, 33 celery, 40 foot row of peas, turnip greens, potatoes.

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Everything looking good, Gary. Good job. Jars of tomatoes very pretty and will be some good eating. 'Bout to end up down our way = okra and peppers going strong, but tomatoes are cooking in this heat. I have 14 plants coming along for fall but no tomatoes yet. Will get some turnips, mustard and collards in the ground soon.

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