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Not Familiar With These Vegetables

I've moved into a new house with some raised bed planters. They've been planted with some stuff I recognize (lettuce, strawberries, green beans, green onions), but there are three that I'm unsure of.
In this picture, I'm curious about the plants with the red stalks with white flowers (I already recognize the parsley and green beans)
Thanks so much for any help! :) :) :)

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I think the red stalk ones are arugula that were started too late and bolted in the heat.

I just took pics of ones that were growing well in a windowbox before they bolted, because I thought the 4-petal blossoms are intriguing. I'm planning to collect seeds for fall crop:
Here are some that never got planted -- red stems to the right. The seedlings to the left are some Bibb lettuce and escarole.
...I think those are kale in your last photo...

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applestar wrote:I think the red stalk ones are arugula that were started too late and bolted in the heat.
I just googled arugula bolting and I think you're right. I'll have to collect the seeds. You mentioned a fall crop... when would you sow them?
applestar wrote: ...I think those are kale in your last photo...
That thought crossed my mind as well, but the edges of the leaves don't ruffle the way I usually think of kale leaves. I guess I'll just have to pick a leaf and taste it :)

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Type of Kale indeed... there is lot of variety's ... one of the most healthy vegetables ;)

Salad is on first picture... I recommended you replant then in bigger distance when they are that small... ;)

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I'm not sure I would keep the seeds from that arugula. You would want to keep seeds from a plant that produced a nice crop, not one that bolted without producing a good crop.

I've got a crop of pak choi that bolted early. I won't be keeping seeds from that one.

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The last row in the second photo looks like dill, parsley or carrots.

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