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My tomato garden update

My tomatoes ncurrently with some concerns.
Pics 1-4 are my early girl producing fruit but a lot of leaf curl and spots on leaves, some yellow, some brown. Only had 1 tomato that was black on bottom, no pic though.
Pics 5-7 are my super sweet 100 cherry tomato
It looks pretty good, flowering but some light brown/tan on a few leaves, see pic
Also holes in a few leaves which I think I found cause a small tiny all green worm/catapiller insect which I got rid off.
What can I use for that particular bug?
Other then that it all seems ok for now and I put up shade cloth ready for summer heat.
Any comments or point of view will be great, thanks
#7 cherry tomato - leaf with holes, bug damage
#7 cherry tomato - leaf with holes, bug damage
#6 cherry tomato- leaf with light spots on it
#6 cherry tomato- leaf with light spots on it
#5 super sweet 100 cherry tomato
#5 super sweet 100 cherry tomato
#4 Early girl - Leaf with yellow spots
#4 Early girl - Leaf with yellow spots
#3 Early girl - Leaves curled
#3 Early girl - Leaves curled
#2 Early girl
#2 Early girl
#1 My tomatoes - early girl
#1 My tomatoes - early girl

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Posts: 919
Joined: Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:34 pm
Location: Brownville, Ne

Some of the whitish spots looks like sun scald, the leaf curl does look like it is heat induced and the shade cloth will help. Be sure to water at the base of the plant rather than overhead. Having a mulching program is good. The brown spots and the yellowing may be the beginning of some sort of bacterial problem or may be weather related, not for sure. Keep doing the right things and you should be OK.

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