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Hi everyone,
Wanted to ask just by visual inspection and feel of a young cucumber plant ( like leaves )that I bought and planted about 2 weeks ago or so, what is good or bad.
Example: couple leaves feel kinda like light sandpaper texture.
Also the 2 oval leaves below rest should I keep or remove them?
Hope pics will help

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Your plants look good. They are healthy. Best to not remove the oval leaves. Just let them fall off naturally.

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Yes, cucumber leaves are rough. It's normal. The stems and even the fruits are rough too. Watch out for those little thornlike prickers on the fruit, they can stick in your skin. They are usually removed before the fruit gets to the grocery store.

Don't remove those little oval leaves. Those are the first leaves a seedling produces, also known as cotyledons. They will fall off when their job is done.

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Cucumbers don't transplant all that well but those should be okay.

Some people are surprised when their vines produce cucumbers that have spines. Really, they aren't much trouble. I think they disappear from those destined for the supermarkets just from washing and handling. Wear gloves when you pick them and just give the cuke a good rub.

If you want smooth cucumbers, there are varieties without the spines. Beit Alpha cukes are a favorite even though I peel every cucumber before eating ... One of my special pleasures in the garden :).


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