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greenhouse floor

I have built a cattle panel Greenhouse in my backyard . I've had to mow the grass around the greenhouse several times this year already. This means the grass in the greenhouse is getting pretty tall especially around the edges. I'm going to have to take everything out of there to take care of the grass so I want to make sure that I have a plan going in. I was thinking of spraying a vinegar or soap solution, because I do not want to use chemicals. Would one of those do it or is there a better idea?

Thanks in advance!

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What do you think of a spading fork and a 4-prong cultivator?

I would just remove the grass that way. My greenhouse floor is dirt. Some weeds show up but since I have been taking out the benches and cultivating the ground for winter crops, the weeds never have much of a chance, even in out of the way locations.

I've had a bad experience with helping my neighbor try to rid his landscape cloth of weeds. I understand our experiences are common with that product or I might suggest it and a layer of wood chips. Maybe cardboard and wood chips?


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I use a heavy, UV-resistant, contractor-grade landscape cloth. It's expensive, but it's worth it to me. I get it in 6-foot-wide rolls that are either 100 or 150 feet long. It's really heavy and durable -- not like the flimsy cloth you usually see. I walk on it everyday and after a year, it's still intact even without a top covering like wood chips. I use a broom to sweep it once in a while so I don't get a buildup of dirt on top of the cloth.

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