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Identify my bonsai please and why it is losing leaves?


I bought my bonsai at a Walmart in May of this year. It did not have a label on my tree, so I never knew what kind I owned. I live in Pittsburgh, PA, so it was Spring time then and it was blooming and growing well. I keep my bonsai indoors and water it every day or when the soil is not moist and I have had no problems with it. Now it is December here in Pittsburgh and winter is coming. I was not sure if my bonsai is deciduous or not because it is starting to lose most of its leaves. The leaves have begun to droop, dry up, and fall off. Am I causing this or is this normal?

So, I am just wondering what kind of bonsai I have and why it is losing leaves?

Thank you!
December 2015
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garmy yo
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Most likely you have been overwatering your bonsai; especially now, in the winter, when she needs much less. Research the chopstick method of determining when to water. Basically, insert a chopstick all the way into to soil. After 5 minutes, or so, pull it out and feel the moisture on it. Don't water again until it feels almost dry.
Good luck, and keep us posted on how she is doing.
P.S. If you could provide a fluorescent light close to her, she would love it..

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Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Alright cool! Thank you! I will water it less and keep nice light around. Could you identify my bonsai by any chance?

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