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Hi, I am new to the whole plant growing thing especially roses so I may just be missing something.
I recently purchased yellow miniature roses from Lowe's. It has now been a week and 3 days and they are dying. They are starting at the top (flower or bud) of the plant and the "darkness and death" is working it's way down the stems. I was watering them about everyday with just enough water for it to come out of the bottom drain and only watering if not moist however I have not watered going on 3 days now because they are still moist and I am unsure whether I over-watered them or not. Also, it first started when I put them out in the sun so I thought that was it but now I am just unsure because I brought them into my porch and it is continuing to worsen. PLEASE HELP it is my FFA project and I cannot afford to loose them!
Thank you SO MUCH in advance,
- edunn

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It helps to know where you are located. So put your zone and location in your profile.

Roses can be grown in pots but they need to be out in full sun. If they were in a nursery and under cover they need to be moved out to the sun gradually. All plants whether in the ground or in pots should be watered as needed. Sometimes that can be everyday, or sometimes it is once a week. It depends on how fast the pots dry out. Drying out depends on location. If it is in the sun and exposed to wind on a reflective surface like concrete or along a driveway, you probably have to water them nearly every day. if it is indoors and you have a saucer full of water under the pot, it is a good way to kill a rose.

Pictures will help. You can upload pictures from your computer when you post if you scroll down to the bottom of the post page.

Roses bloom in cycles and the flowers will die and the roses need to be dead headed; cut back; and fed for the next cycle.
Your description sounds like dieback which can have a few causes. It is explained in the link.

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Thanks guys I will try to gradually get them out into the sun over this next week and water about every-every other day. I am near Tampa Fl sorry for not specifying. Should I cut of the dead parts? And how far down the stem, until it's green again?
Once again, Thank you!
P.S. Pictures are coming

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Just went and closely examined roses. It is indeed those little white bugs and as you can see in the pictures they have now successfully created a web. I am going to cut off all dead growth and spray with homeade bug repellent. Thank you so much for the help and websites!
Web created:
Web created:
Dying Plant
Dying Plant

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Spider mites are actually tiny spiders. They suck the juices from the rose. Cut the roses back 1/4 inch above a 5 leaf node that is green with a clean pair of sharp clippers. Spray clippers with alcohol between cuts to prevent spreading disease.

Bag and trash all of the debris, do not let it fall or stay on the ground.
Spider mites are hard to control with insecticides unless you get a miticide or systemic like systemic rose care. If you can keep your plant as healthy as possible, the natural predators of the spider mites will keep them under control. Hosing off the dust on the foliage helps. Usually the problem stops once the hot dry weather stops. Using the wrong insecticide will actually make things worse as the spider mite predators will be killed and the spider mites will not.

Horticultural oils are probably the best you can get for the home market. Miticides like keltane work better but are not readily available to homeowners.

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I cut back and no signs of spider mites are left however leaves are falling of and stems browning, is this supposed to happen before the repair process or maybe it is just part of the weather not being so hot and cooling down a little bit?

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