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Swap Me Seeds?

Hey guys, I only have a tiny little garden, so the seed packets contain far more seeds than I ever actually need. I was thinking that perhaps I could trade some of these leftover seeds for some other seeds that I need this season to save some money. (I'm just starting out and have no saved seeds yet, so it's been super pricey this year!) BTW, these are all from this year, so germination should be good still.

Here's what I have that I'm ready to trade: (I will update as I use the seeds I need and have some leftover)
CA Wonder Red Sweet Bell Peppers, 26 seeds, certified organic
Kleopatra Cherry Tomatoes
Golden Jubilee Tomato, 148 seeds
Burpee Sweet Basil Organic
Green Arrow Peas, 15 seeds
Yatzy Peppers
Spanish Padron Peppers
Thai Sun Peppers
Tasmanian Chocolate Dwarf Tomatoes
Amos Coli (???)
Thai Duo peppers
Egg Yolk Tomatoes
Burpee Green Sprouting Calabrese Broccoli Organic

Seeds I'm Looking For, Organic Only Please: (especially unique varieties!)
Sugar Snap Peas
Mung Beans for sprouting

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Easy way to get some of your seeds cheap
Go to an Asian grocery and buy whole mung beans in a bag. If they are reasonably fresh, they will sprout
Pumpkin seeds, save them from a pumpkin you buy to eat
Beans seeds dry beans at store

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Green Thumb
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I am interested in your:

Yatzy Peppers
Spanish Padron Peppers
Thai Sun Peppers
Amos Coli
Thai Duo Peppers

We have for trade:

Red Savina Habanero
Red Ghost

Here are a list of flowers we have for trade also

Nigella-White and Blue
Various Lillium
Candy Lily
Aquilegia Pink and Purple
Black Eyed Susan
Sea Oats

Please email me at

Thank you! :-()

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yes very interested! But first, some questions.

First, what kind of chamomile?
And do you think I could grow nigellas in my zone? (5) I've never even heard of those but they look very pretty.
I see that you live in Canada, I've never sent seeds before, and I've never sent anything out of the US. How would we go about that? Could I just send them in a letter? Or will it be more complicated than that?

And I know you said to email you, which I will, but here are the ones I'm interested in:
chamomile, nigellas (if I can grow them here), candy lily, and aguilegia

Looking forward to it!

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Green Thumb
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Hey :)

It's just regular chamomile. I think nigella would grow in your zone, its a pretty hardy flower. Seed exchange should be no problem. I can get yours ready to go this week or early next week! Please email me for address swapping!


Nice to connect with you!

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Okay! After swapping with Countryladiesgardens and planting out what I needed from what she sent, I have an updated trading list!

Here's what I have for trade now:

Tasmanian Chocolate Dwarf Tomatoes
Organic California Wonder Red Bell Peppers
Burpee Organic Sugar Daddy Sweet Peas
Burpee Organic Kaleidoscope Carrot Blend (all different colors!)
Organic Corvair F1 Spinach
Purple Columbines
Black Eyed Susans
Orange Cosmos
Candy Lily
Organic Cucumbers Tendergreen
Burpee Organic Sweet Basil
Burpee Organic Cilantro
Green Arrow Peas
Burpee Organic Green Sprouting Calabrese Broccoli
Organic Big Max Pumpkin

I still need:
Interesting varieties of carrots

Venus Fly Traps
Forget Me Nots
Any hibiscus flowers that might grow in zone 5
Air plants/bromeliads

Really anything, just send me your trading list and I would love to take a look!

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