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Incoming frost! Impending doom?

This sunday, were expected to have a light frost. (Low of 30). In the garden, I have very small pea, spinach, and carrot sprouts. Do I need to protect them at all? If so, how?

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Super Green Thumb
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All of that stuff is extremely cold hardy. I wouldn't worry about them in a light frost. Now if you had peppers and squash ....

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I'm up against it tonight too. Forecast to be 34 degrees, my garden is a little ways down from the house, in a little bit of a low lying area. It always freezes there when temps are in mid 30's. Have some cool weather stuff in which I'm not worried about, but I know potatoes and grapes will get zapped! Potatoes finally came back nicely after getting zapped about a month ago as did grapes, and I know they will again, but why stress em out that way? Think I'll throw a couple sheets over them tonight, hope it'll help.

Potatoes look like this now after recovering. They looked similar to this a month ago, took them this long to regenerate!

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well potatoes and grapes are also frost hardy. Covering won't hurt (as long as you remove the cover promptly in the AM), but probably isn't necessary.

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