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My Greenhouse

I bought my greenhouse near the end of the year, last year. It is 5ft x 6ft. Big enough for me as I am 4ft 11 in my socks. :roll: :lol:
So this year I have been able to plant a lot more. I am really enjoying myself. :D I hope of course to learn a lot more, and looking forward to that indeed with your help. :D









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You have a lovely garden meme and your greenhouse is great. I look forward to getting tips about what to grow in the greenhouse other than tomatoes which we have in ours.

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Thank you grannyp :D

It has always been a wish of mine to get a greenhouse. Many things though stepped in the way of me getting one sooner. But so pleased now I have it. So much enjoyment I am having. And looking around here on the forum I have learned some good tips already.

That is nice you have a greenhouse as well. Sure you will get a lot of pleasure planting, and seeing all start to grow, as I have.

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Your yard is beautiful and that green house fits perfectly with the yard.

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Thank you JPNguyen :D

I scoured lots of places that sell greenhouses, then finally decided on this one. So many around, and hard to picture one actually in my garden, also of course a bit of thought too as to where to put it for the best. But my brain got going. :D

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Alas our poor greenhouse lost a panel and a door on Sunday when it was so windy, we had gone out and left the door open, it was sunny when we went. A lesson learned there. Out tomatoes are OK though
tomtoes 7.jpg

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Hello grannyp :D
Such a shame about the damage there due to the winds, so hope the damage wont be too hard to get repaired.

Your tomatoes look really good, a great size as well. :D
I looked today at mine, the plum tomatoes and the salad ones are now showing signs of turning more red, shouldn't be too long now, as for yours too.

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Thank you Meme, yes ours are starting to ripen, we had a couple the other day and they tasted so lovely.

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That's good then grannyp. So lovely isn't it to enjoy anything edible we grow. :D

I like to cook with tomatoes, adding them to stews and casseroles, but to actual eat them as a salad tomato I don't like them. :roll: Sure any excess will be swooped on by my neighbours. I have promised them some. :D

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we will eat all ours, give some to the family of course rather than cook with them, some people find them too acidy and then they are great in a cooked dish .

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I have had a little taste of them now and again over the years, but I just can't get to like them uncooked. :?
Sure you and your family will really enjoy all you produce grannyp. :D

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From what I'm hearing, the greenhouse is probably turning out to be a great extra protection for your tomatoes and other plants that prefer the warmer temperatures.

We're going to have to talk about what varieties of tomatoes you are growing though because there are so many different kinds. 8)

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Hello again, we are growing Moneymaker, are they the best for taste please?

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Thank you krosagro :D I am looking forward to planting more, seeing all grow hopefully, that will be so rewarding.
With respect, the link you added has been checked by a friend of mine, it appears to have a fault, like a red warning sign (unsafe site). I felt wise not to click on it.
Maybe you could check that out.

Yes applestar all is doing well in my greenhouse, really pleased I got it now, So much enjoyment. :D Unfortunately I didn't take note of the actual names of the tomatoes, just there are small cherry/salad/plum type. All look healthy, and many turning red now.
It will be interesting to learn of the ones that are thought to be the best and tastiest. :D

All the best with yours grannyp. :D Reading 'Moneymaker' got me to thinking has anyone come across a Money Tree yet, as I would like one........or two. :lol:

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grannyp wrote:Hello again, we are growing Moneymaker, are they the best for taste please?
I started a new thread to discuss Subject: Best flavor tomato varieties to grow in a greenhouse ?

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I have just looked there applestar, very good idea. Looking forward to anything anyone adds, so I can learn more, and sure other will too.

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Thank yu Applestar, I too will look forward to seeing what others reccomend.

Yes Meme a whole orchard of moneytrees (heehee)

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Ooo, that would be great for sure grannyp, a whole orchard of them. :-() I will get some holes dug in preparation for when I come across any of those trees. :lol:

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If only Meme :D :D

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Meme, Your place looks great, amazing how much a greenhouse adds, for starting seeds and extending the seasons. Have a great one.


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I am still looking for the Money Trees grannyp, as soon as I find any I will let you know. :D :-()

Thank you Richard. :D

It is a good size for my needs, and fits in well in my garden. :D I will be taking some cuttings today, that will be interesting to see how they grow. I have my secateurs, rooting powder and plant pots at the ready. :lol: :arrow:

Have a lovely weekend.


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My horticultural adventures started when I was a middle teenager and read in some doctor's office waiting room magazine that I could break off African violet leaves from my Mom's little collection and propagate new plants to put in my room. :D

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Aww, that must have been lovely for you applestar when you grew those African violets, hope you saved some of your Mom's plant though. :D My Mum and Grandma had a lot, various shades of colours.

I remember learning a bit of what can be done with plants, like the cuttings, from when I was at school, X amount of years ago.. cough. :lol:
There was a garden in the centre of the school, so nice that was seeing all beginning to grow.

It really has only been these last few years I have got more into gardening, with being now medically retired from work. A great interest it is for me. In a lot smaller scale of course as many on this lovely forum. But I am happy how all is going at the moment.

I have also learned so very much while being a member here, reading around, writing a lot of notes too. :D

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