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Scarlett O'Hara morning glories grown indoors

I could not wait until spring to see the Scarlett mg that my hubby got me, so I soaked a couple of seeds and planted them and here is what is happening, they LOVE that flourescent lamp. Can't wait until I see a bloom!


The top of the leaves look yellow, but that is because of the lamp.

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Watch where you put them because they will give you thousands the next year and choke all the plants around them. They are nice on a fence or trellis.

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These are inside on my computer desk, and every day they grow a bit bigger. I was thinking of letting them trail down the bookcase to the floor, well, not quite the floor but it is growing real fast.

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It is November 29th 2015, I just planted two Pearly Gates morning glories today. I knicked and soaked them all night and decided to plant them today, I wet them real good and have them under the flourescent lamps. Should I put plastic over the top or just leave them open? You know how I am with experiments, the Amaryllis Red Lion that my hubby got me is growing quite well, and the other one that I had last year has two leaves and they are not doing too bad. The other 3 are kind of just sitting there not doing anything, should I try to lift them up and see if they are making new roots, and if not what do I do with them? I would hate to throw them out but I can use the containers for something else, any information would help. I actually tried to lift one up and it had no new roots yet. I guess I could do that with the other two.

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As long as they are not getting soft, the amaryllis should be fine. Keep them in warm bright place. How are you growing them? In soil or gravel/water? It's important to put them in bright light from the beginning to avoid weak, floppy leaves and flower stalks.

I think morning glory seeds should sprout fine without plastic cover. Just keep the soil moist but not soggy. So you decided it worked out well to grow the morning glory for winter fun? I would never have guessed that :D I hope you post pictures when they start growing, I'd love to see. :-()

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The amaryllis are in potting soil and they were not soft. The morning glories are in a country crock tub(small) with a few drainage holes in the bottom, they are set in a styrofoam bowl, and they are under the grow light with everything else.

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Doing the morning glories inside again, I also have a few moonflower seeds planted inside too. I had success with them when they were in the picture window, going to try them under the lights this year as well as outside.

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