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Help: Seedling growth stunted and die



Hi everyone, I'm new to hydroponics. I have a NFT system. As the topic mentioned, my vegetable can germinate from seed pretty well but eventually when it grows up to around 1.5 inch height, the growth of the seedling stunted.

As you can see on the picture, the new leaves that grows out from the seedling are yellowish/whitish. If lack of nitrogen, old leaves should yellowish first right? If so, what else could cause this problem? The seedling growth stunted at this height and eventually die in few days later. =( help/advice needed, anyone?

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Can't see your pictures. Even when I make it links, I get an error message that says my Internet Explorer can't open the webpage. ... ElpeVVZa2c ... 2ZPRXRtdnc

Info about how to post pictures here is in New to Helpful Gardener under Helpful Tips and Suggestions for New Members.

Welcome to the Forum anyway... :)

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Well, since the seed leaves indicate this is a cabbage/radish/mustard family seedling, I automatically wonder if the pH level is high enough. If too low, I believe it blocks calcium uptake and causes deficiency....

The condition of the seed leaves and the shape of the true leaves are good in the sense that it seems to be getting sufficient light and moisture.

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Thanks DoubleDogFarm for helping me to make the photo available.

Applestar, this is actually an asian vegetable called choy sum. The pH I measured that day is around 6.8.

Do you mean that if the plant unable to consume calcium, the growth will be totally stunted and new leaves will be yellowish/whitish?


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It does look like some kind of nutrient deficiency. I assume doing hydro you are supplying nutrients, but are you sure it is enough? Nitrogen deficiency causes pale/yellow leaves and stunting, but so do deficiencies of a number of trace nutrients like manganese, sulfur, etc. The trouble with hydro is you have to supply everything, so you need to be sure your "nutes" provide the complete spectrum of micro nutrients.

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Hi rainbowgardener,

The link above is the nutrient I used for my hydroponic. Sadly to say that it is not mainly for hydroponic. It is foliar and fertigation fertilizer. Is this the problem? As I know, this fertilizer contain NPK, Mgo(magnesium?), TE(not sure what is it) and hormon.

It's sad that there is no hydroponic shop in town. This is the best fertilizer I can get in town I guess.

Please advice. Appreciate it!


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Any updates? I am curious to he cause and solution.