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Fish water in organic garden?

I wasn't sure where to post this, but I have an old hot tub laying around, and was wondering if I could set it next to my garden, fill it with water and put some gold fish in it, if I could put the water on my garden.

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If you mean siphon off water changes and irrigate the garden, then yes. It's a great use of aquarium or water feature water that needs to be replaced.

If you establish it as a pond/water feature with gold fish and plants, realize that you could be siphoning off baby goldfish, too. Still won't hurt the garden any.

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I'm not worried about killing the gold fish, just wondering if it would be good for the plants. Thanks for the answer, I guess I'll try it, as long as the hot tub is laying around.

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This question pops up here and there in the forum, and the consensus from those who both keep fish and have gardens is that the plants like the "enhanced" water but not to overdo it on indoor houseplants.

Sorry, but I don't have fish and haven't perhaps paid close-enough attention to such posts! :oops: But I know that what I've said is accurate, however simplified. :)

Cynthia H.
Sunset Zone 17, USDA Zone 9

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Agree with cynthia. But type aquarium water into the Search the Forum keyword box. It will pop up 8 pages of posts on the topic, you can read some of all the discussions for yourself.

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read up on aquaponics.

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