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I have a question...

How did you select this book as the first one to discuss and review?

It says second edition, has someone read the first edition?

I mean, did you see a promo on it, an advertisement, know the author... how ever, with so many wonderful books, did you pick one?

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The concept popped up on a thread (maybe the ACT thread) and when I asked what book this was the first choice for a few folks... serendipity? I like tio think it was luck... 8)

The next one will be a more democratically chosen one. If it was just on who I know best we'd be reading [url=]The Organic Lawn Care Manual[/url]; as it was, I asked Paul to introduce me to Jeff to inquire about his participation! :lol:

Perhaps if we ask WM nicely, we can get a subforum entitled "What Next?" where we can make suggestions?

But let's do this one at a time shall we? I think we have a very good one here; I read the first edition a few years back. :D


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Definitely down with "Whats next" I can't get enough information. Been meaning to ask for something like this myself but I have been to busy reading books and exploring links to do so. But why not be into 4 or more books at a time. It's good for you. If only I could get my kids to think like this.

A book/informative link forum would be great I have been writing little reviews of books I have read that have changed my perception of things here and there. But no one seems to notice not that I care but I would like to know what you all see as pertinent reading as well.

Now back to the [url=]Emilia Hazelip vid[/url].

But than again one thing at a time. I need to slow down.

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Now I'm confused just got a new email stating the book will be out earlier than before my new arrival date is Feb 23. I'm sure you will be getting something soon as well.

Does anyone know how different this book is from the original?

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It says that my shipping date is March 1st :( . I'm ready for it now! I am very excited to read this book. I look forward to discussing it with all of you!

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I'm not sure what is going on I got an email a bit ago saying it has been shipped. and should be here Friday now I'm really confused. First it was going to be late than early now it should be here before the original date.

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Quit yer complainin'! :wink:

No news on mine since the orginal back-up... :cry:


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Amazon never sent me anything about it, but I went and looked at my order history and it says this:

Delivery Estimate: March 1, 2010 - March 3, 2010

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I've got my book! :D

Just came in today.


I win!!
Last edited by Marsman on Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Well where's mine? We're what, twenty miles apart?

Hmmph. :x


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Mine should be here today as well, UPS normally comes around 3:00-5:00.

If you want HG I can call you and read it to you over the phone. :P

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Gixx, you know I just look at the pretty pictures! :lol:


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HG, here's some cute little microbes to hold you over till you get your book.


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You guys ALL crack me up!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Coming in a close second


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Rub it in Gixx, :lol: It was bad enough MM already piled on.

Okay everybody; pics of you and your book. Post Up!


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Anyone else get theirs? :?:

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Ready, set, READ!


I'll talk to Roger...


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I got their email notice that mine was shipped. It'll be here in a few... 8)

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If it makes you feel any better I already read a bunch of this book weeks ago, found a copy of the first version seems pretty much the same so far.

No questions yet though. just reading than re-reading than highlighting than re-reading. :lol:

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No book, no shipping notice :( . Looks like I'm going to have to be a fast reader to keep up, once I get mine!

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So you'll be ready then, Gixx. 8)

Just finished the first chapter; nothing I haven't been beating you all about the head and shoulders with for a while, right? :lol:

Who read Dr. Ingham's foreward? High praise indeed, Gardener Jeff... :)

And I very much liked Jeff's forward. Never forget that most of us hardcore organics people were once upon a time toxic avengers, pouring out death from above on our microbial allies. I have sprayed quantities of poisons in an afternoon that most of you will never spray in a lifetime. Jeff's and my friend Paul did this untill he poisoned himself so badly the doctor said stop or die. Two decades after Paul stopped he still has high levels of some toxins. Jeff and Wayne talk about how they spritzed and sprayed even while maintaining a facade of ecological sanity.

And yet here we all are years later, all of us off of the chemicals and asking you to join us. We are not preaching; we have been much worse about this than the majority of you have been. And it isn't for getting rich; most of us still have to work pretty darn hard (poor Jeff has to hold down several jobs; lawyer, author, radio star... :wink: ). So you have to ask yourselves "Why? What did these guys find out along the way? Why are they so committed to this idea?"

And if you are asking those questions, you should really be reading along with us. Looking over Jeff's book tonight is like looking over all the lessons that I had to learn along the way, and I so enjoy that we have had some of the same teachers. But here are all those same lessons in a most concise and easy to follow manner, so you don't have to take a decade learning them (like I did) :roll:

Talk about convenient... we spoil you guys... :lol:

Any day now RBG; I got no notice, it just showed up. Hang tough. We will leave no reader behind... :)

This is going to be a lot of fun... :D


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I wanted to say that, if you have been paying attention to this channel than you know what the book is about. This is great thing to do though. I have never been to fond of chemical treatments but what I have used I feel ashamed of what I have done. Though this book is not all about the hatred of chemicals it about the love of the life that hidden under your feet. It may open your eyes or it may just emphasize your currant beliefs, whatever the case it will change your mind about how you garden. I can't wait for the exchange to begin, I'm pretty down with most of it just so much to learn to be able to accurately pass it along.

Bring it, let's change some minds together. :flower:


p.s. It's kinda sad (or is it) that I almost know more about soil biology than I do about plant propagation. :lol: :? Going to read now.

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no book no ship :(

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Guys, be sure to let us know when those books hit...


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I got mine today!


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Any sign, RBG?


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Dunno... I'm here goofing off at work (I only get paid for client hours, so I'm not spending paid time doing this), haven't been home to check the mail. Let you know when it comes!

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I got mine today, starting reading a little bit but I'll have to wait until the kids are in bed to get any more read. It may take me a bit to get it all, I find myself rereading parts a lot. I don't want to miss anything, I think this is going to be a book I read more than once. :D

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Me too MM. Don't worry about keeping up so much; just post questions to the chapter subforums on anything you are having trouble with, and we'll get you up to speed. Jeff does a lovely job of making complex ideas easy to grasp, and we'll try not to muck that up too much... :lol:


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Mine's here, too! :D

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Mine's not, but I checked Amazon and it says it shipped yesterday, so soon! :)

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Okay folks, I'm am officially calling it.

[url=]The Chapter One thread[/url] is officially open for business.



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This looks like it may be a good book to buy, I know you are all going to tell me to run out and get it. Now tell me why and convince me I need this book.

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Read the chapter discussions; they're reading descriptions of your favorite meals rather than having the actual food in front of you.

When you're hungry! :D

Cynthia H.

Ah...the beginning of a new, whiny day with Vergil. Yesterday was my false hope. :x

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Tom, this is a lot of the scientific stuff I carry on about constantly, explained in a concise and logical manner (no one has ever called me either of those things, likely with good reason nutz: ), with great images and how-tos....

There is a good reason this was our first book club book; because it's an amazing book that will change the way you look at soil and gardening. If you have even an inkling of organic leaning to how you garden, this book will leave you feeling like you are totally on the right trail. And if you haven't been tilted in that direction already, this book will make you wonder why not.

Once you get it, you get it, and you can't unget it. This book will help EVERYONE get it...


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I got my new revised edition TEAMING WITH MICROBES for Father's Day.I am looking forward to reading this edition(although I read the first edition several times).Now I am trying to figure out who will be lucky enough to receive the old edition.My first choice is a long time friend(since childhood)of some 45 years.The problem is about all he reads is MOTHER EARTH NEWS and nothing else.Maybe he will not be too hard to sell.Greener.

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Hey, just thought I would pass on that the second in the Teaming Series is almost out: Teaming With Nutrients: The Organic Gardener's Guide to Optimizing Plant Nutrition. Timber Press says mid may, but you can order it now on Amazon


Jeff Lowenfels

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Thanks for the heads up Jeff! I'll get a link up and probably a new discussion. :)

Pop in a little more! ;)

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