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Apple tree help

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 6:16 pm
by ghost1
Very glad I found this forum. I have a five year old apple tree that in the spring sets leaves and looks very healthy. As summer continues, the leaves begin to turn brown and by summers end, tree looks dead. When fall arrives, new leaves appear at end of branches. It's the same every year. Does anyone know what tree may be suffering from?

Re: Apple tree help

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 5:40 am
First thought ghost, was Fire Blight. But for your tree to still be living without die back all over it, I don't think it can be that.
Deficiencies in various elements can cause leaf desiccation ..but again I've never seen such a repetitive effect.
I'm therefore leaning to a very severe attack of apple Scab.
Scab infections , if they get a real hold, can actually effect the wood itself. The spores then lay there over winter and once growth starts in the spring they leap into action.
Breaking my own rules.....try a very strong Winter Wash. this winter. Followed in the spring by two or three sprays from bud burst to blossom of a good Scab fungicide. Captan etc. Making sure the young developing leaves get a full covering of chemical.

Re: Apple tree help

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:34 am
by ghost1
Thanks John for taking the time to respond. Can you please explain a "Winter Wash"? Thanks again.

Re: Apple tree help

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:49 am
Hi Ghost...
Winter Wash is a spray.
Plenty available on line or at Garden Centres.
It's a 'clean up' spray for fruit trees in their dormant period. It kills pests and spores of fungus etc.
Not used so much now as it's realised that it kills the gardens. ' goodies' as well as the pests.
However I think your tree needs drastic help.