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How Often to Water Lemon & Orange Tree Seeds?


I have never grown anything in my life before, (except the chip on my shoulder!.) And so thought maybe it was time. I chose Lemon and orange seeds, and have planted them 2cm deep in potted soil. What I would like is advice on caring for them now, ie, How many times a day should I water them, should I use anything other than water, and finally, is there a certain time/size to plant them out side? Thanks for any help people.

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This is NOT a thorough answer by any means, but mine just sprouted so I though I'd share: I planted a couple of lemon seeds in a 4" pot of 1:1:1 compost:soil:sand mix. I left it on a brick next to the water faucet on the outside SE side of the house (sun from about 10AM~2PM and it was splashed with water when faucet was used (or watered if looking dry) every day. I noticed the shoots a couple of days ago, and the label says I planted the seeds on 6/28 so it took about a month. I moved the pot out to the veg garden under some plants so the sprouts will receive longer but dappled sunlight.

You didn't say where you live, but in my area, I'd have to bring the potted lemon inside before it gets too cold -- I'll have to look it up, but probably no lower than 60ºF, so I couldn't plant it in the ground.

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I've just starting growing a few orange, lemon, and grapefruit seeds myself. I keep the soil on my citrus seeds moist.(Not soaking wet). I've found that if you want to speed up the germination process you can peel off the seed's outer covering. Pat them dry with a paper towel if they're too slippery to grasp.

Another thing is, I don't cover my seeds with soil. I just gently press them into the soil. The sprouting roots will find their way into the soil. I guess everyone has their own method. The moist paper towel in a plastic baggie works, but I always get mold when I try it that way.

I keep mine on the floor by our glass sliding door where they can get plenty of sunshine, but a regular window seal works too. I use a water spray bottle to spritz them daily. Maybe once in the morning, and then again in the evening.

I wouldn't move them outside until they have established themselves. A set of leaves is what I mean. This summer heat can kill the sprouts.

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