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growing a valencia orange tree indoors?

Has anyone grown a valencia orange tree in a container? I recently purchased one and was told it could be grown in a container but all my research has turned up nothing on valencia orange trees being inside just other kinds of orange trees. I live in Virginia so I am able to take it outside in the summer but have to bring it inside in the winter. I would love for it to bloom and produce fruit but stay a manageable size. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :D

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Spend some time in the bonsai forums here, or on other platforms.

"Size" is optional with trees.

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I've been growing a valencia orange bonsai from seed going on 4 years.
It survives the low light levels of a Wisconsin winter just fine. Does better if we get snow to refect the sunlight. It's first winter we had very little snow on our porch next to our sliding glass doors and it shocked it enough that all the leaves fell off. They grew back in the spring. The last two years have been normal in it's thriving had to prune it twice this winter it was bushing out so much. Fun tree.

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I have 16 kinds of citrus and they are all in containers. The oldest is about 16 years old. If you can get enough light for them to produce fruit, they tolerate containers fairly well. The trees will remain dwarfed and will probably not reach its full size.

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If possible, during winter, try placing it in a light location, at a lower temperature (but frost-free). Otherwise, it might not flower in spring.

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Yes, it will be just fine in a pot. Just maybe not inside when it gets big. While it's still small, indoors is the prefect option, but when it gets bigger a patio, backyard or balcony are all good options.

When the roots of the tree fill the whole pot, let it grow like that for a couple months and then plant it into a bigger pot. Once the roots fill the entire pot, wait a couple months and into a new pot again...and so forth. That's what I do with my citrus trees and they grow just fine! Make sure that the difference in the pots isn't too much. Just a couple inches bigger than the previous pot.

Have fun with your tree and good luck :)

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