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What is affecting 3 of my pepper plants?

I'm fairly new to growing peppers (This is my second year) and can't figure out what's going on with a couple of my plants:

I tested the soil and added some pulverized lime to fix the pH, but I still have 3 plants that are wilted with curled leaves. They are in a garden of about another 8 plants which are all thriving - tall and full of peppers, but these three are stunted and the leaves are curling up (See pictures). Plants are treated with Daconil anti-fungal every week or two, get generic vegetable fertilizer every two weeks, and get watered each morning. I live in central Florida where it's currently hot and dry. The soil is generally very sandy, but I put a layer of top soil and then garden soil down when I planted. These are what Bonnie plants calls "Roasted Red" and their site indicates they should be resistant to Potato virus Y and tobacco mosaic virus.

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Location: Brownville, Ne

Something is chewing off the photosynthesis chlorophyll producing leaves at the top of the plants thereby putting them under stress. They need to have cages or some kind of protection, especially since such small plants are trying to produce fruit.

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