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Noob to pepper plants and garden.

I planted bell, cherry bell, and habanero peppers. I planted them in April indoors and outdoors in May. I looked online and I guess I'm behind about a month on peppers and tomatoes. I didn't make what peppers was what and I have been using Epsom salt on them. I have some pics maybe you guys can give me a trick or two.
peppers 3
peppers 3
peppers 2
peppers 2

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They look great. Actually, I grow a lot of peppers too and for the most part the only time I can really tell them apart is when they start to make fruit. All I could tell right now would be if it is chinense, baccatum or frutescence. Chinense and frutescense can still have leaves that look alike when they are young.

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I thought I would give an update for any one who cares. This is my first garden and peppers. I have read a lot of people like to top their pepper plants I didn't. I did take a lot of leaves off the bottom of the plant almost to the top. Here is what I have now and what it looks like.
2014-08-10 13.18.32.jpg
2014-08-10 13.18.04.jpg
2014-08-10 13.17.44.jpg
2014-08-10 13.17.22.jpg
2014-08-10 13.17.07.jpg
2014-08-10 13.16.43.jpg

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Super Green Thumb
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Wow! Looking good. I've never seen pepper plants get so tall. I don't top mine, but still they usually don't get more than about 3' tall.

Where are you located?

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I'm in artemus ky and them plants are 5' tall

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Location: Hawaii, zone 12a 587 ft elev.

Those are really great peppers and whatever you are doing, keep doing it. I don't see any disease or really any pest problems.

My peppers especially the tobasco can live for several years, but I get pests, and fungal issues. I do top the tabasco to cut off diseased leaves and also to keep them shorter and bushier. I top some of the others because when they get older, it helps to rejuvenate them. Except for tobasco and super chilies most of the other chilies don't live more than a couple of years and many of them are annuals.

I am envious of your bell peppers, I have a hard time getting them over three feet and I am lucky if I get 5 peppers before they die.

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