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Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:24 pm
by applestar
...already? Yep. :D
I'm not going to include the 2014-15 Winter Indoor Tomatoes here because they have their own thread.

First up is an Orange Pixie Dwarf which had started to germinate in the seed fermenting cup.
I'd thrown a few of those away before this winter, but I couldn't resist sowing this one :>
image.jpg for the rest, I haven't even finalized the planting list. I managed to *double* my tomato variety inventory this fall, all thanks to very generous gifts from other crazy tomato seed hoarders tomato growing enthusiasts... :() It's going to be very hard to choose. :roll:

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato Garden

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:06 am
by applestar
Those Dwarf Orange Pixie seeds that had started to germinate in the seed fermentation cup have been growing and I uppotted them today to 2L soda bottle SWC's (effectively approx. 1L soil capacity):

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato Garden

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:58 am
by PaulF
I am getting anxious to get started. My list is mostly finalized with 35 varieties. I happen to be one of those seed hoarders with just over 200 in inventory but I still purchase or trade for fifteen or twenty new ones every year. It is an obsession but my wife say it's better than going to the tavern.

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato Garden

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:33 pm
by applestar
HOW can you bear to grow just 35?

I'm still trying to decide what all to grow, even as I am going ahead with starting seeds.
These just came out of fermentation yesterday. I was preparing to dry them... Then thought why bother drying them when they are ready to go? So I started them them using the seed bag germination technique I'm trying this year -- and some of them germinated ALREADY! :()
...this is my experimental cross (Whippersnapper x Faelan's First Snow less variegated) F1. 8)

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato Garden (and Pepper and Eggplant)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:30 pm
by applestar
Germinated and sprouting tomato seeds in seed zip bags
(R: one of 5 Luffa seedlings in 2L bottle SWC)

Sprouted tomato seedlings planted in 2" soilblocks and a community container.
3 more Luffa seedlings with some of the Eggplants and Peppers growing in soilblocks and recycled pudding and K cups. (When not using soilblocks, eggplants go in recycled pudding cups and peppers go in recycled K-cups until next uppot)
...But soilblocks are tightly packed with approximately three times the soil volume compared to a container of the same size, and with proper care, their roots are air pruned to grow a more dense root all, so the seedlings can grow larger. I always start out thinking containers are easier because they use less amount of soil mix, but usually by the time the seedling ing are getting bigger and getting root bound /start to deteriorate in too small containers, when they have to be uppotted and the containers are inefficiently taking up too much space, I end up saying soilblocks are much better.

So, hopefully, I'll be more organized and will manage to pot up most of the seedlings in the soilblocks. Using the seed zip bag germination method sort of makes this easier because the little sprouted seedlings can be easily nestled in the hole made by the soilblocker.

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 2:17 am
by applestar
Things are happening fast now:
ImageStudio Ghibli
image.jpg (43.21 KiB) Viewed 10281 times
image.jpg (38 KiB) Viewed 10280 times

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 11:13 am
by applestar
The sprouted seedlings that were planted in soilblocks on 3/3 have perked up and are looking happy :clap:
image.jpg I planted another 1/2 tray more...
...Well to be more precise, I moved a Rice Milk set of previously planted 8 blocks of tomatoes to the 1/2 tray along with new tomato and potato seedlings that were planted, so I could plant more peppers and eggplant soilblocks to keep in the warmer Winter Paradise:

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:22 am
by applestar
Supervariegated Fish pepper seedlings (4 soilblocks in the back of the rice milk box) are already displaying splotchy leaves 8)

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:34 am
by applestar

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:26 pm
by applestar
Pepper, Dunkel Violetter is supposed to have purple in the foliage (antho) AND variegated, I think? The seedlings of the original seeds from the German seedbank already have purplish seedleaves. The one seedling so far from asmx's 2nd generation saved seeds is somewhat lighter in color. It'll be interesting to see how they compare.
Next two flats are tomato seedlings :D

Surpriz is a known stable variety and I received these 2013 harvested seeds last year, but didn't get the chance to grow them. It turned out that other people who received in same trade and grew them got all kinds of interesting off-type fruits including antho. So one year behind, I'm growing extras of these, and you can imagine my excitement to find antho foliage on three of the seedlings! :-() (third from left in the back row, 4th from left in the front row/row 1, and 5th from the left in the 2nd row)
...but... When I took THIS tray outside for a bit of sun and watering, I was disappointed to see two of the seedlings had fallen over. :( No doubt they got the damping off fungus. Believe it or Not (at least I have one more) and one of the numerous Faelen's First Snow I'm growing to find the best variegated foliage (hopefully this one didn't).
image.jpg's one more...

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:24 pm
by applestar
One of my 50 mini soilblock tomato seedling flats. The grayed blocks were showing signs of impending damping off. I watered with whey water in hopes of saving them, and the dark grey Faelen's First Snow which I thought was a goner seems to be still hanging in there, but the light gray Pit Viper in the bottom row is actually gone ( I have to remove that block).

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:27 pm
by sweetiepie
You use whey water, from cheese? Just wondering, I have a milk cow and that would be another great way of getting rid of the whey instead of the chickens getting it all.

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:58 pm
by applestar
I use milk spray (1 part milk 8 part water with a small amount of whey from any dairy (yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese) as preventative for foliar fungal infection. There is divided opinion on how that works and some say doesn't work but in my experience, yes, it does work. There's a thread with all the links to scientific studies I could find if you are interested.

I'm a firm believer in working with the soil foodweb -- one of our book study topic a couple of years ago.

In this case, I wanted to diversify the microbial population to compete with the damping off fungus.

In this instance, I used mozzarella cheese whey which was handy.

ETA : sorry for the terseness of the comments above -- iPad battery was down to 4% and I was afraid it would shut itself off :eek:'s plugged in now and we can "talk" :wink:

Okay -- so the whey was from home made mozzarella cheese making. I suspect you need to think about salt content, etc. I also foliar sprayed with 1/2 tsp Epsom Salt in 1 pt of filtered water.

I should emphasize that I didn't know if any of this would work -- and am still monitoring the situation. I didn't have a clean fresh batch of AACT or I would have used that. I need to scrub my bucket and the air stone to make a clean batch. So the whey water was an emergency remedy to simply to increase the microbial diversity.

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:26 am
by sweetiepie
Even if it does nothing, using whey water on the plants would be great. I made cheese almost everyday last summer until I broke down and got another bucket calf. When I make cheese it is 4 gallons of milk at time. So plenty of whey and I don't salt my cheese until most of the whey is off. :-() I will look that up. Can you over do it?

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:57 am
by applestar
Some of the Peppers and Eggplants so far:
image.jpg (44.77 KiB) Viewed 10095 times

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:13 pm
by applestar
...and more tomatoes... :()
so excited that some of the white fruited varieties for this year's White Sauce Garden are growing :-()

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:39 pm
by sweetiepie
Peppers for White Sauce. Oh, that is great! This forum is the first place I have heard of white peppers and never would of thought of using them to hide in a white sauce. My kids think they hate bell peppers. :roll: So I am always dehydrating to a powder and slipping them in unnoticed. :hehe: But it is hard to hide in a white sauce so I skip it.

Thank you for sharing such a great idea. Probably to late to find seed this year and plant but can't wait for next year.

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:21 pm
by applestar
I didn't start these until nearly last because I was afraid I would get burnt out from all of the others, and I knew I would keep going to get these planted. :()

More white fruited tomatoes, multiflora cherries for the columnar espalier-like training project, intriguing bi-color, antho, stripes, dwarfs, etc. (not finished either nutz: :> :-() )
image.jpg (31.66 KiB) Viewed 8925 times

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:13 pm
by applestar
Super-variegated Fish pepper seedlings and eggplants that we're overdue for feeding and upblocking. TOP right photo is after upblocking the biggest seedlings (no map)

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:13 am
by applestar
2AM and wide awake! :roll:

Finished planting these tomato seedlings between yesterday and (today) :-()

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:35 pm
by Mr green
You sure have alot going! Love the beautyness of the fish pepper!

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:57 pm
by applestar
I finally decided to take a breather and try counting them -- I used the spreadsheet's stat function to found the soilblocks in the maps:

...hahaha way more plants than I was blissfully unaware of... :>

Here is the actual list of the tomatoes (though these are not final -- there are more germinating seeds in the seedzip bags, but also some may still go down from dampening off :| O:)

There are WAY more multiples than I thought there was going to be -- I guess I need to really look at the seedlings and maybe cull the weak, etc. I guess once the trays can go outside, I could re-group them so same varieties are together, though keeping them separate could be a form of insurance. Image

TOMATO varieties up and geowing as of March 31, 2015

Agata (Agatha)
Ananas Blau
Anmore Dewdrop
Anna's Multiflora
Aunt Gertie's Gold
Balkan Tiger F4 ♥️
Beauty King
Believe it or Not
Berner Rose / Rose de Berne
Black Cherry RL.IND.pu.cherry.
Black Mountain NOT Pink
Bosque Blue
Brazilian Beauty (not) >> red with antho foliage/fruit
Captain Lucky White
Champagne Cherry
Cherokee Tiger black chartreuse
Clackamas Blueberry
Cow's Tit
Cream Sausage
Davids ivory Pineapple
Dragoevo ♥️
Dwarf Arctic Rose (mega)
Dwarf Beryl Beauty
Dwarf Mr. Snow
Dwarf Wild Fred
Estler's Mort Lifter
Ext Bush X Purple Strawberry F3 (pink dwarf)
Faelan's First Snow lv'14
Fahrenheit Blues
Floragold Basket
Gail x Everett's Rusty Oxheart Bicolor PL F3
Gold Medal
Gold Pearl (bonsai)
Grandma Viney's Yellow and Pink (2013)
Great White
Green Sausage (2010)
Hundreds and Thousands OP/Self
Ildi .IND.yellow.cherryg.MF.*e
Isis candy
Iva's Red Berry
Iva's Sweet White
Jewels of Ordiorne
Lucky Cross (2010) RL•PL.bc.bfst..vl
Ludmila's Yellow Giant
Maglia Rosa 8.22.14
Manö (2013 bright)
Mano X Matt's Wild Cherry F3
MIKADO WHITE (Potato Leaf)
Mohamed (micro)
Northern Delight
NPS x (Sgt. Pepper's F4) F1 "NPSP-F1"
Old German
Orange Pixie X Orange Strawberry F3
Petite Pomme Blanche
Pineapple Pig
Pink Siberian Tiger (Beauty King x OSU Blue)
Pit Viper F5 (NKG) tasty
PURPLE DRAGON (patihum) RL.IND.purple?.antho
Purple Elgin x Sgt. Pepper's F1 "-> ALONZO'S MEDALS"
Rainbow Dwarf (cat) PL
Sergeant Pepper's F5 ♥️
Shamrock F7 Jackass GWR
Stormin Norman (Sinister Minister MF) F5 Blane RL.IND.dark.cherryg.MF
Stump of the World? (HBR)
Summertime Gold
Summertime Lime
Sun Gold F1
Surpriz (Blane, 2013) (look for Xanadu)
Sutton White
Teton de Venus Blanc ♥️
Tumbling Tom Yellow
Vernissage Yellow
White Beauty
White Tomesol
White Wonder
WMD White sport
WOW Fedco Cherry
Zuckertraube "Sugar Grape"

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:41 am
by applestar
PEPPER varieties up and growing so far (expecting a few more)

Pepper, Alma, Édes (sweet)
Pepper, Bolivian Rainbow
Pepper, Bonda ma Jacque
Pepper, Chocolate Cake
Pepper, Donkey Ears
Pepper, Doux Long d'Antibes Paprika
Pepper, Dunkel violetter / dark purple
Pepper, Fish supervariegated
Pepper, Hanoi Market
Pepper, Jalapeño
Pepper, King of the North
Pepper, Lipstick
Pepper, Mammoth Giant Jalapeño
Pepper, Marconi/Giant Marconi
Pepper, Mini Paprika Orange
Pepper, Mini Paprika Red
Pepper, Mini Paprika Yellow
Pepper, Peperone de Senise
Pepper, Pimiento
Pepper, Romanian Rainbow
Pepper, Sivri Biber
Pepper, Sweet Chocolate
Pepper, Sweet Ingrid
Pepper, Szentesi Feher (White from Szentes)
Pepper, Takanotsume
Pepper, Thai Dragon
Pepper, Tolli's Sweet
Pepper, Trinidad Perfum
Pepper, Yellow Cheese

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 6:34 pm
by Mr green
Wow impressive list! I used to do massive lists few years ago but I went out of hand with it so now I focus on less varieties. Mainly because chili was the one I experimented most with and are growing ok, while some not good at all here in the cold north.

Do you grow commercially and are super crazy about gardening or just super crazy about gardening? :()

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:11 pm
by applestar
I think I'm just nutz: :lol:

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:32 pm
by applestar
...but look, look, look!

Here are pictures of Bolivian Rainbow pepper seedlings. Last year, only one seedling survived and I was so intrigued by that single seedling! This year, I have several to compare, and they are STILL fascinating! :D

...their seed leaves are so dark you almost can't see them :shock:
(I put a little sand under the one in the bottom left so it shows up better)

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:26 am
by Mr green
They really were dark! In the small pictures I didnt even se plants at all until I enlarged the picture, and the first set of leafes leaves such contrast with their pure green color. Does the leaves turn darker also or mainly the stem of the plant?

Its good to be nutz: when it comes to gardening!

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:09 pm
by applestar
Tomato update of older seedlings:

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:53 pm
by applestar
Tomato Varieties Growing as of April 9. (unfortunately lost some that were listed/growing previously due to damping off)

(Black Seaman x Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye) F3 PL "BSPB, F3pL"
(Cherokee Tiger x Kosovo) "Balkan Tiger" F4 pink striped? heart chartreuse ♥️
(Ext Bush X Purple Strawberry) F3 pink dwarf
(Gail x Everett's Rusty Oxheart) F3 Bicolor PL
(Mano X Matt's Wild Cherry) F3 dwarf
(Orange Pixie X Orange Strawberry) F3
(Purple Elgin x Sgt. Pepper's) F1 "-> ALONZO'S MEDALS"
(Variegated PL x Striped Big Cheef) F3 "CRY BABY" var.PL
(Variegated PL x Striped Big Cheef) F4 << F3#3
(Vintage Wine x Black Ethiopian) "Sailor's Luck" F5
{(Variegated Potato Leaf x Striped Big Cheef F4) x Faelan’s First Snow)} F1 "VR4-F1"
{(Variegated Potato Leaf x Striped Big Cheef F4) x Faelan’s First Snow)} F2 "VR4-F2"
{Faelan's First Snow x (Variegated PL x Striped Big Cheef F3 "Karson's First")}"MOONLIGHT MILE" F2 (variegated striped)
{Faelen's First Snow x ?} "Copper Penny" F3 *look for variegated*
{Maglia Rosa x (Stump of the World? HBR + Faelan's First Snow less variegated + Matt's Wild Cherry)} "MRxSFM" F1
{Maglia Rosa x (Zluta Kytice + Coyote + Matt's Wild Cherry + Faerlan's First Snow less variegated)} "MRxZCMF" F1
{NPS x (Sgt. Pepper's F4)} F1 "NPSP-F1"
{Whippersnapper x (Stump of the World? HBR)} "WSxSOW?" F1
1884 Purple <seedlings failure ->
Agata (Agatha)
Amethyst Cream
Ananas Blau <seedlings failure ->
Anmore Dewdrop
Anna's Multiflora
Aunt Gertie's Gold
Beauty King
Believe it or Not
Berner Rose / Rose de Berne
Black Cherry RL.IND.pu.cherry.
Black Mountain NOT Pink
Bosque Blue
Brazilian Beauty (not) >> red with antho foliage/fruit
Butter Apple PL.IND.saladette.yellowstr.early-mid
Captain Lucky White
Carbon Copy
Champagne Cherry
Cherokee Lime Stripes
Cherokee Tiger black chartreuse
Clackamas Blueberry
Cow's Tit
Cream Sausage
Dark Copia Heart ♥️
Davids ivory Pineapple
Dragoevo ♥️ <seedlings failure ->
Dwarf Arctic Rose (mega)
Dwarf Beryl Beauty
Dwarf Mr. Snow
Dwarf Wild Fred
Estler's Mort Lifter
Faelan's First Snow (more variegation) '14
Faelan's First Snow (less variegation) '14
Fahrenheit Blues
Fish Lake Oxheart ♥️
Floragold Basket
Girl Girl's Weird Thing like Gixx's (patihum)
Gold Medal
Gold Nugget[/s] <seedlings failure ->
Gold Pearl (bonsai)
Grandma Viney's Yellow and Pink (2013)
Great White
Green Sausage (2010)
Grightmire's Pride ♥️
Hawaiian Pineapple
Hundreds and Thousands OP/Self
Ildi .IND.yellow.cherryg.MF.*e
Isis candy
Iva's Red Berry
Iva's Sweet White
Japanese Black Trifele
Jersey Giant
Jewels of Ordiorne
Juicy Saladette (2009)
Kõningin der Frùhen / Queen of the early (2008)
Lucky Cross (2010) RL•PL.bc.bfst..vl
Ludmila's Yellow Giant
Lyn's Mahogany Garnet
Maglia Rosa 8.22.14
Manö (2013 bright)
MIKADO WHITE (Potato Leaf)
Mocross Elgin #9
Mohamed (micro)
Nebraska Wedding
Northern Delight
NOT Liguria
Old German
Petite Pomme Blanche
Pineapple Pig
Pink Siberian Tiger (OSU Blue x Beauty King)
Pit Viper (Rumplestiltskin "a dwarf, of red-ish orange bicolors" x Grinch Brown PL) F5 (NKG) tasty
PURPLE DRAGON (OSU Blue x Black and Brown Boar) RL.IND.purple?.antho (patihum)
Rainbow Dwarf (cat) PL
Rose Quartz Multiflora
Samocvet Nefritovy
Sergeant Pepper's (OSU Blue x pink German Red Strawberry) F5 pink ♥️ antho top
Shamrock F7 Jackass GWR
Stormin Norman (Sinister Minister MF, Black Plum x Sweet Beverley) F5 Blane RL.IND.dark.cherryg.MF
Stump of the World
Stump of the World? (HBR volunteer)
Summertime Gold
Summertime Lime
Sun Belle
Sun Gold F1
Surpriz (Blane, 2013) (look for Xanadu)
Sutton White
Teton de Venus Blanc ♥️
Tumbling Tom Yellow
Vernissage Yellow
Wes ❤️
White Beauty
White Tomesol
White Wonder
WMD White sport
WOW Fedco Cherry
Zebra Heart ♥️ RL.IND.gwr2c.stripes.redBE
Zuckertraube "Sugar Grape"

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:58 pm
by sweetiepie
That is great! I can't wait to see pictures of them fruiting.

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 4:37 am
by applestar

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:24 pm
by dtizme
Quite the list you got there. Hope it all works out for you !!!

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 2:26 pm
by applestar
2015 Spiral Garden -- all except variegated plants have been planted (one Fahrenheit Blues in reserve due to wimpy size, Dwarf Emerald Giant NOT photo is missing, Surpriz to be selected and planted)
***click to see the photos in full size/more detail***


11:00-3:00 arc
Lyn's Mahogany Garnet, Nebraska Wedding, Gritmire's Pride
Körnigin der Fruhen (Queen of Early), Purple Dragon, Purple Dragon
Grandma Viney's Yellow and Pink, Sailor's Luck (Vintage Wine x Black Ethiopian) F5
Cow's Tit (2), Gail x Everett's Rusty Oxheart Bi-color PL F3, Brazillian Beauty NOT
Terhune (3), Cherokee Lime Stripes, Ludmilla's Yellow Giant
Gold Medal, Bosque Blue, Girl Girl's Weird Thing (2), Not Liguria

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 2:40 pm
by applestar
2015 Spiral Grden

3:30-5:30 arc
Clackamas Blueberry (2), Samocvet Nefritovy, Hawaiian Pineapple
6:30-7:30 arc
**missing Dwarf Emerald Giant NOT**, Zebra Heart, Pink Siberian Tiger (2), MoCross Elgin #9
7:30-9:00 arc
Northern Delight, Believe It Or Not, (Purple Elgin x Sergeant Pepper's) F1 (2)
9:00-11:00 arc
Fishlake Oxheart, Fishlake Oxheart, Black Mountain NOT Pink, **Surpriz to be planted**
image.jpg (49.09 KiB) Viewed 8983 times

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 2:48 pm
by applestar
2015 Spiral Garden


11:00-13:00 arc

Juicy Saladette (2), Lucky Cross
image.jpg (47.59 KiB) Viewed 8983 times
Stump of the World? HBR (2), Japanese Black Trifele (2)
Butter Apple, Fahrenheit Blues
Old German, Carbon Copy

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 2:58 pm
by applestar
2015 Spiral Garden

14:00-22:00 arc

Beauty King, Earl's Faux, Jersey Giant (2)
Aunt Gertie's Gold, Dark Copia Heart F5, Dark Copia Heart F5
image.jpg (53.41 KiB) Viewed 8983 times

(Black Seaman x Pink Berkeley Tie Dye) F3
(Not Purple Strawberry x Sergeant Pepper's) F1
Berner Rose/Rose de Berne, (Gail x Everett's Rusty Oxheart) Bi-color PL F3

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 10:40 am
by applestar
I posted pictures of the high antho varieties in this thread: Subject: What's your most anticipated • intriguing tomato so far?

Here are variegated foliage tomato varieties I'm growing this year. As with the high antho varieties, some of these are still segregating crosses and still not commercially available:

These are the next generation Faelan's First Snow (FFS) in my selected line of "Cherokee Purple type large fruited more variegated". I think the one at front and center is the most interesting and maybe the one on the top right, and the closest one in the community pot of seedlings that I had thought weren't variegated also.
There is another line deriving from Faelan's First Snow which was not variegated and produced smaller I think yellow(?) fruits. Gixxerific grew this line out and last year's generation produced odd bicolor fruits and was designated "Copper Penny" It is thought to be an accidental bee cross with something else, but some of the seedlings grown from the seeds he distributed are expressing variegation this year. One of my three seedlings was one of these:
[photo to be added later]

Next one is called Variegated PL x Striped Big Cheef and designated VPLxSBC. I have a F4 generation growing from a larger fruited F3 selection I grew last year. This year's surprise was that some of the seedlings which were supposed to be all PL turned up RL. I separated them into these two orange community containers, and just one of the RL developed a rather lovely variegation. You can see many more variegated seedlings in the PL group on the right. I'm currently hearing that the RL indicates accidental cross in the previous generation. I'm wondering if stray pollen from the Faelan's First Snow which was growing next to it could have contributed to the variegated RL. 8)
Someone made a specific selection out of the VPLxSBC and have named the segregate which is at F3 generation "Cry Baby". The seedlings are all PL as they should be:
This one is designated VRFF. unlike my (possible) accident, it's an intentional cross of ((VPLxSBC F3) x FFS). Thanks to the breeder, I'm growing some of both F1 and F2 generations:
One of the F2's turned out to be a PL:
{other F2 photo to be posted later}

...but gixxerific has a much much more intriguing, more mature plant of this cross...

Last but not least, I have another cross -- this time opposite parenting cross of (FFS x (VPLxSBC)) -- the mother is always listed first. The breeder for this cross had selected a segregate of VPLxSBC and called it "Karson's First". I think Karson's First was an F2, but I will have to check. This cross is designated "Moonlight Mile" and it is at F2.

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:48 pm
by applestar
Update. Everything seems to have doubled in size after 3 days of rain.... Spiral Path/Swale is functioning as intended. I tossed some mosquito bits in there today in case the soil is saturated and the swale holds the water for a while.
Aluminum pan birdscares are guarding the Seascape strawberries. :-()

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:36 pm
by applestar
Some of the smaller compact dwarf varieties in 3 gal containers:
One of the "micro" dwarfs called Mohamed planted in a cement block hole:
Some of the "basket cases" -- trying varieties that are supposed to be good for growing in hanging baskets. These are usually sprawling (tending to flop and not grow upward due to weak stem) determinate varieties. The branch tip terminated by the floral/fruit truss weighs down and hangs nicely.

Cream Sausage, Green Sausage, Tumbling Tom Yellow
Hundreds and Thousands, Anmore Dewdrop

Re: Applestar's 2015 Tomato (and Pepper and Eggplant) Garden

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:10 pm
by applestar
Yay! Another tomato bed finished! This one is all (more or less) dwarfs that are going in the ground to see what their potentials are 8)

Balkan Tiger F4 Pink saladette heart
Balkan Tiger F4 Pink saladette heart
Bison (not?)dwf red saladette
Chello dwf red cherry
Cherokee Tiger Black chartreuse notdwf dark plum
Dwarf Arctic Rose (mega) dwf Pink saladette-salad
Dwarf Beryl Beauty (not)dwf GWR
Dwarf Wild Fred dwf dark saladette-salad
Ext Bush X Purple Strawberry F3 (dwarf) Pink? Purple? (Heart?)
Mano X Matt's Wild Cherry F3 dwf Red large cherry-saladette
Mano X Matt's Wild Cherry F3 not dwf? Red large cherry-saladette >> Fence
Orange Pixie X Orange Strawberry F3 dwf Orange saladette heart
OrangePixie X Orange Strawberry F3 notdwf Orange saladette heart
Pit Viper F5 (NKG tasty) dwf Dark with GWR interior no red bicolor core saladette
Rainbow Dwarf (cat) PL notdwf Yellow-red bi-color salad beefsteak
Shamrock F7 (Jackass GWR) dwf GWR salad beefsteak
Summertime Gold PL dwf yellow
Summertime Lime (not)dwf GWR