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Looking for Dandelions

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:04 pm
by attayebo
Hi there,

Name is Omar from Canada (Montreal). I'm looking for fully grown dandelions (which seem to be impossible to find at this time of year). I wanted to know if anyone down south have any growing around. If interested, I'm willing to buy some off of you via eBay.

Thanks for your help!

Re: Looking for Dandelions

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 5:35 pm
by applestar
OK I have to know — what Do you want it for?
...I’m a bit concerned that dandelions must be considered weeds it in the invasives list? Would there be problems transporting/shipping them across state lines, let alone U.S.-Canadian border?

...alternatives if you just need components for some reason ... Italian dandelion leaves are sold in the supermarket or at least some ethnic markets as pot herb/vegetable ... dried dandelion roots are often sold as herbal teas or sometimes tinctures ... some herbalists carry different parts of dandelions as dried herbs, roots, etc. Sometimes you can find seeds for specific species of dandelions. I’ve always been curious about the native Japanese white dandelions myself.

Re: Looking for Dandelions

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 6:36 pm
by attayebo
Hi applestar,

It's for a university research project regarding an automated dandelion weeder. We need dandelion samples to tune our image recognition program.
Regarding transportation I'll just need the seller to send it to an address in New York and I'll get it from there. Border agents said it's okay as long as it's for personal use.