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Four O'Clocks

Hi Folks,

I've heard scary things about Four O'Clocks, that they take over the yard and can't be gotten rid of. True or false? Are they that big of a threat or should I plant them and enjoy the show? Your opinion, yea or nay?


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Super Green Thumb
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We've been trying to get rid of 4 o'clocks here for 20 years. We NEVER let them go to seed, and every year a new tuber sprouts in some random spot. I live in SC. They are definitely invasive here, and very difficult to get rid of.

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I grow four o'clocks in a pot. They are good for controlling some beetles. They do make tubers and drop seeds. So, I do keep pulling the seedlings that fall out of the pot. They can be confined they are not that invasive. It does not show up on the other side of the yard or two blocks away and mint is way harder to get rid of. They do like a moist soil. If the soil is dry they don't spread as much.

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My front yard is invaded with 4'o'clocks! However, they are quite pretty, so I don't bother removing them that often. Once they start growing, it's hard to stop them. Most of mine are in pots, so its not that much of a problem. They can get large and prevent other stuff from growing.

Maybe start some in a pot and see how you like 'em. Since their seeds will fall and new four o' clocks will grow soon, I'd recommend placing the pot away from soil where you grow stuff in (since there is a possiblity that their sreds will grow there as well). A good place for 4 'o clocks would be to plant them in a pot and maybe place the pot on cement or the lawn.

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