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Help !!! My petunias won't bloom !

Can someone tell me what is going on with my petunias? I bought a flat that were all in full bloom and translplanted them to several pots. They bloomed one time after and that's been it, not a single flower in any pot. They all get plenty of sunshine all day long and I've fertilized them as I do with all my annuals, but nada! Help ! This is too weird....

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Some flowers only flower once a year. I'm not sure about petunias though.

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thanks opabinia, but petunias should bloom continuously... anyone else??

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I thought I'd get more help here, but that didn't happen so I did some additinal research. Turns out petunias (and snapdragons) are easily prone to Budworm infestation. These tiny little creatures eat newly forming buds leaving the remainder of the plant untouched. Sevin destroys them. Just thought I'd pass it on in case anyone else needs the info... :P

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