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Looking for some Garden Design ideas

Our house has a pretty nice entry way and I'm looking for ways to complement them. Mind you, I am a college student doing this for my parents house so funds are limited (this is my hobby, not theirs, so its not something they are eager to spend money on). But ANY ideas are welcome, I am a long term thinker, but I don't have 10 years for a shrub to start looking good....I really don't even have 2 years before I'm out of the house...


I think two large and tall (30inch ht) planters would look good, one on either side in front of the columns...but I'm having trouble finding some on discount, currently scouring

Thank you for your suggestions!

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I think a classic stone urn in cream colored stone/faux stone planter would really look nice against the brick & accent the height. Try Lowes online. They have some nice faux stone urns. Make sure it is big enough...1) so it doesn't look puny. 2) so it doesn't dry out. If you can, bring in a drip line up to the pot (and make sure there is a drain hole/s). You can carry the color and style from the inside of the house to the front porch or you can go wild.

What about a pot with sword-leaved plant for a change of texture?
I would use phormiums if they grow in your zone...they come in several sizes and the colors are gorgeous. (google-image "phormium" to see all the brilliant colors) Or there is dracena or cordyline.

There is a store called "Home Goods" that has reasonably priced ceramic and metal planters. Or try the second-hand stores or outlets. I have found some really good sized pots and refinished them. Glazed pots can't be painted but almost anything else can. So don't worry if you don't like the color.

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lynolyn wrote:I think a classic stone urn in cream colored stone/faux stone planter would really look nice against the brick & accent the height. Try Lowes online. They have some nice faux stone urns. Make sure it is big enough...1) so it doesn't look puny. 2) so it doesn't dry out. If you can, bring in a drip line up to the pot (and make sure there is a drain hole/s). You can carry the color and style from the inside of the house to the front porch or you can go wild.

What about a pot with sword-leaved plant for a change of texture?
I would use phormiums if they grow in your zone...they come in several sizes and the colors are gorgeous. (google-image "phormium" to see all the brilliant colors) Or there is dracena or cordyline.

There is a store called "Home Goods" that has reasonably priced ceramic and metal planters. Or try the second-hand stores or outlets. I have found some really good sized pots and refinished them. Glazed pots can't be painted but almost anything else can. So don't worry if you don't like the color.
I looked up the phormium and I agree, that would look very nice...I'm in zone 7/8, depending on which map, in Texas so it could grow with a little extra care. And I completely forgot to check Home Goods, thank you for all your suggestions!!

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