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Does The Ground Cover Exist?

I hope I have this in the right place. The reason I titled this topic the way I did is because I need a ground cover with lots of characteristics that may not be realistic. I need a fairly low growing, relatively low maintenance, and fast growing (aggressive) ground cover. It also needs to cover a large area on a slight hillside with partial shade to full sun and to top it off, with poor soil. If that's not enough I would like for it to look attractive in the wintertime as it will be used in a winter garden. I live in Northern Alabama. Hot, humid, drought prone summers and cold wet winters. So is there any plant that fits that criteria or am I out of luck?

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There are a lot of ground covers that meet most of your criteria except for winter. I have hot humid sunny weather most of the year and no snow, just winter storms.

How much snow do you get and how cold does it get?

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Sure it does - it's the stuff most of us hate, for it's aggressive qualities, but for you they probably work:

mondo grass
spreading/ prostrate juniper (not as fast growing as some of the others)
ajuga/ carpet bugle
ice plant
creeping phlox
vinca (for the part shade areas, doesn't like full sun)
blue star creeper
creeping thyme
lysimachia/ creeping jenny

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Thanks folks. Not much snow but usually gets in the teens a few times. Temp varies from day to day. Last month we had 70 degrees and a day and a half later, 8 inches of snow.

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