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What should I do with this space?

Last spring I started this little flower bed under a tree in the back yard. Never got a chance to put much in it because I ended being induced unexpectedly. I managed to put two day lily plants, two Asiatic lily plants and Hosta in the bed. Now I am not sure what to do. I really want a cascading flower to grow and fall over the rocks. I have 25 lily bulbs but think that would be too many for that space. would love some colorful suggestions :D


There are some tulips in there right now.
And this little thing. A plant my Aunt gave me last summer. Signs of life!

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Creeping phlox would be very easy. If it's not a location that gets attention from dogs, wild strawberries are nice too.

2nd photo looks like aquilegia to me. I wonder what color foliage and flowers?

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It has blue flowers and green foliage. I think it's a Columbine. I'm surprised is alive. After this bitterly cold winter I figured anything planted would die because of the crazy deep frost.

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I like alyssum. It is easy to direct seed and you can actually grow saxatile a perennial yellow alyssum. I plant carpet of snow, saxatile doesn't do well here. It doesn't need much help and forms spreading mounds and reseeds it will spread over the rock easily and it can be sheared. the lilies should be able to poke through it. I only gets about 6-8 inches high and it is a nectar plant for beneficials and has a sweet fragrance.

I also like blue flowers and they go well with yellow so I am partial to pansies and violas, lobelia, dahlias(they will grow from seed but come back from tubers, and daylilies.

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Well I got my lily bulbs in and the directions said to plant them as soon as I could. So I did. I put some under the tree in the pic and out in my wildflower bed. Then my yard flooded:-( I'm crossing my fingers things won't rot.

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What an adorable little space! Love the rocks! I would suggest Hostas all the way around (as they won’t mind the shade of the tree), with some tiny Coral Bells around the edges (just inside the rocks). Even when not in bloom, Coral Bells have lovely foliage. They’re even hardy and able to handle a variety of conditions.

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